(ANALYSIS) This feature makes it clear that abortion is a painful, even tragic, reality in the lives of many women. Readers can see that in the personal experiences of the women quoted in the piece. Is abortion a positive, even “blessed” act? Or is it possible that abortion is “wrong” — or even a “sin”?
Read MoreThis year and into 2025, Surrealism is being celebrated by several major exhibitions in Europe and the U.S., including "Imagine! 100 Years of Surrealism,” "Long Live Surrealism! 1924–Today” and "Forbidden Territories: 100 years of Surreal Landscapes.” While each features artworks by the movement’s most celebrated artists, the latter, at The Hepworth Wakefield in the U.K., includes a focus on a largely forgotten figure.
Read MoreFaced with accusations from the widower of a second alleged victim of his sexual misconduct, Messianic teacher and apologist Michael Brown posted a video online admitting to an “emotional” relationship with a woman.
Read MoreRefugee crises have been on the rise in many parts of the world for over a decade, often met with widespread hostility and indifference. Yet, in the midst of this global pattern, Mizoram, a small Christian-majority state in northeast India, has been quietly providing not only aid but a sense of dignity to those fleeing a violent conflict in neighboring Myanmar.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The Justice Department is in a legal fight against Tennessee and, by extension, all 26 states with laws that forbid or restrict “gender-affirming” transition treatments for youths under the age of 18. Observers of the recent U.S. Supreme Court arguments in this United States v. Skrmetti case figure the Court will favor federalism, allowing states leeway for such limitations.
Read MoreDespite this grim reality, church leaders in this nation of 2.3 million are not just in denial about this social crisis — but are also in denial about being in denial, leaving the desperately depressed with no one to give them the much-needed message of hope. Talking about suicide is taboo in many African societies and that includes Lesotho.
Read MoreIn a momentous occasion for Indian politics, Iqra Chaudhary Hasan recently took her oath as a Member of Parliament, marking several historic firsts. Draped in a white scarf, she represents many firsts — the young politician has become India’s youngest female member, the youngest Muslim and the youngest female Muslim. This achievement highlights her unique position and a sign that a shift in the nation’s political landscape has taken place.
Read More(ANALYSIS) It’s universal for kids when they lose their way or skin their knees to call out for their parents. But from my experience as a parent, and now a grandparent, children more often cry for their mommy.
Read More(REVIEW) Netflix has put out a movie about the life of Mary just in time for Christmas. For those who want a modern retelling of Mary and the Christmas story that lives up to its potential, “Mary” is sure to disappoint. For those who simply want to enjoy a reverent take on the Christmas story that has a place at the table in a world of endless secular content, this might be just what the angels ordered.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Year after year, Juan Diego's tilma is viewed by an estimated 20 million pilgrims, with more than 10 million visiting the basilica close to Dec. 12 — the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico and the Americas. Around the world, throngs march in parades and sacred processions behind copies of this iconic Marian image.
Read More(ANALYSIS) On Nov. 28, 2024, six state parties referred the “Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan” to the International Criminal Court, expressing concern about the severe deterioration of the human rights situation in Afghanistan, especially for women and girls.
Read MoreA former student who suffered severe injuries at Asbury University in Kentucky last year has filed a lawsuit for negligence, breach of contract and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Isabella Willingham was found unconscious in her room in November 2023 with cuts, bruises and other injuries.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The 2024 election faced a situation that echoes the circumstances of 2004. In the Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court essentially turned the question of abortion regulation back to the states. That means that the ballot initiative/referendum has become the instrument through which states can set limits (or not) on abortion access.
Read More(REVIEW) Christmas may not be a Jewish holiday and “Hot Frosty” is entirely devoid of even the slightest hint of Hanukkah happening in the background. What I’m saying is this: Jews are way better at holiday magic. And since Christians get so many holiday movies, we are the ones who deserve the hot snowman golem movie.
Read MoreIt turns out what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay there. In fact, sin is everywhere — from beer-loving Milwaukee to decadent New Orleans — meaning that the U.S. is filled with people behaving badly, a new study finds. The report compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 37 key indicators and seven sinful behaviors, including greed, lust, vanity and laziness.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Now, thanks to a brave young Yazidi woman, Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad, the struggle to reestablish life after years of enslavement is brought to the surface, with a documentary from director Hasan Oswald and executive producer Emma Thompson.
Read MoreSoon after becoming president, Democrat Jimmy Carter signed the Hyde Amendment into law — barring the use of federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is at stake. When the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration attempted to kill the Hyde Amendment, a small — but symbolic — group of Democrats appealed to the elderly Carter for help.
Read More(REVIEW) “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” is an eight-episode docudrama series following the lives and sacrifices of saints: Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, John the Baptist, Thomas Becket, Mary Magdalene, Moses the Black, Sebastian and Maximillian Kolbe. Each episode features a dramatization of their lives, narration by Scorsese and a panel.
Read More(ANALYSIS) For over 40 years, six people from Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, have claimed to see and speak with the Virgin Mary. For almost as long, hordes of pilgrims have traveled to visit sites of the virgin’s alleged appearance and to observe the seers’ daily trances. The Vatican has never approved the pilgrimage or issued official judgment of the visionaries — until now.
Read More(REVIEW) Despite its flaws, “Agatha All Along” gives a refreshingly honest look at grief, relationships, the false promises of power and selfishness. In a world that churns out superhero movies with nothing to say, this is a welcome thing. In a world that tries to idealize the witch lifestyle, this show gives a far more accurate take than most forms of media have the guts to. The world of “Agatha” is one without hope in the face of death.
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