Posts tagged Religion data
There’s A Backlash Against Same-Sex Marriage Among Growing Group Of Christians

(ANALYSIS) In a 14-year time period, support for same-sex marriage went from 31% to 68%. That’s just a stunning shift in such a short period of time. And because of the velocity of the change, we cannot attribute that to generational replacement.

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The Religion And Politics Of Students Who Were Homeschooled

(ANALYSIS) Homeschooled kids constitute a population group that I’ve always wanted to try to understand better, but it’s a super hard methodological problem. There’s no central database that tracks them.

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Are Americans Especially Distrustful Of Religion?

(ANALYSIS) Trust in American institutions has eroded significantly over the last several decades — things like major companies, the federal government, and the scientific community. But given the name of this newsletter, I bet you can guess which institution I want to focus on today: organized religion.

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Are There Any Religion Lessons From The 2024 Election?

(ANALYSIS) Any presidential election causes a real problem for me. I do get asked to talk to reporters and do webinars and write pieces for major outlets about the role that faith played at the ballot box. There’s one issue: I just don’t have access to any reliable data for a very long time after an election.

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Are There Folks Who Oppose Homosexuality But Support Same-Sex Marriage?

(ANALYSIS) I was recently talking to a Christian who was a strong believer in the separation of church and state. We discussed some implications of that doctrinal position, and he described how it shaped his views on same-sex marriage. That got me wondering: Are there many people out there who favor same-sex marriage but believe that homosexuality is wrong?

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What Role Did Evangelicals Play In The 2024 Republican Primary?

(ANALYSIS) Today, I am especially interested in what is happening with the Republican party in a post-Trump America. I have some data that offer a little bit of a window into who evangelicals might vote for when Trump’s name is not on the primary ballot.

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Has The Episcopal Church Experienced Growth?

(ANALYSIS) The Episcopal Church has posted some new data related to the life of the church in 2023. From a purely quantitative perspective, no denomination is better than the Episcopalians. Being able to triangulate a variety of trends is the ideal way to get a complete picture of what’s happening in those churches across the United States.

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Does Religion Generate Higher Levels Of Self-Reported Well-Being?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve got some pretty fun data to work with today — it’s got a great name: “The Many-Analysts Religion Project,” and it asks a battery of religion questions from folks in 25 countries around the world. Although it was fielded in 2019, it was just added to the Association of Religion Data Archives (the ARDA) in the last couple of weeks.

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How Abortion Ballot Initiatives Impacted The Election

(ANALYSIS) The 2024 election faced a situation that echoes the circumstances of 2004. In the Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court essentially turned the question of abortion regulation back to the states. That means that the ballot initiative/referendum has become the instrument through which states can set limits (or not) on abortion access.

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Would Evangelicals Prefer A United States With No Mainline Protestants?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve been a party to a lot of conversations about being mainline over the last 20 years. And sometimes I get the distinct impression that evangelicals really, really don’t like mainline Protestants. But do prefer nonbelievers to mainline Christians?

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Revenue Decline Remains Largest Challenge For Ministry Leaders

Nearly 10% of Christian ministry leaders told MinistryWatch their ministry’s revenue has declined more than 10% over the last 12 months. That represents the highest response we have received showing a decrease in revenue since beginning the survey in October 2022.

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How Do Female Pastors Differ From Their Male Counterparts?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve been trying to think of a way to better understand how female pastors experience their job compared to men. There just aren’t that many surveys of clergy out there, so this is not an easy task. The other day I remembered that there was a dataset out there that I hadn’t done a lot with — the National Congregations Study.

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The Politics Of Organized Nones And Voting In 2024

(ANALYSIS) I like studying an organization like the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It’s a self-selected collection of individuals who become members and pay dues because they feel it’s a good use of their time and resources. But how much do members of a group like FFRF represent the larger nonreligious group they come from?

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Which Religious Groups Are The Most Politically Active?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve written before about the political activity of a bunch of different religious groups. But I wanted to revisit that prior work and take the level of analysis down one layer of granularity to look at specific Protestant denominations.

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The Growing Gender Gap Around Sexual Orientation

(ANALYSIS) ”Women are much more supportive of the LGBT population than men.” That came up in a Q&A session that I did after a talk. The person asked if women were leaving conservative churches more quickly because of their views of same-sex marriage and gender identity. OK, so let me just figure out if that’s true or not.

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How Do College Students Really Feel About Free Speech?

(ANALYSIS) Basically all the Christian traditions are at the top of this graph — Protestant, “Just Christian,” Orthodox and Catholic, in that order. In each case about three-quarters lean toward not finding it acceptable to shout down a speaker. The groups at the bottom are the three types of nones and the Jewish sample.

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How Do Organized Nones Differ From All Nones?

(ANALYSIS) The nones just aren’t a coherent “thing” like Catholics or evangelicals. They are united by what they are not. They don’t have regular worship services. I think it’s fair to say that there isn’t a dominant worldview among the nonreligious. But now, we can have an unprecedented view into the differences in organized nones versus nones in general.

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What You Believe: Exploring The ‘God Gap’ In American Politics

(ANALYSIS) So let me visualize how the two major parties have diverged on these metrics over the last couple of decades. Let’s start with belief in God, a question that has been included in the General Social Survey with regularity since the early 1990s.

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Are People Nowadays Really More Lonely And Miserable?

(ANALYSIS) I am going to pull out some questions that piqued my interest when I was scrolling through the codebook. The first is a set of two questions about mental health. Folks were asked, “How often do you get the social and emotional support you need?”

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Let’s Talk About The Muslim Vote In Michigan

(ANALYSIS) I am going to completely sidestep the whole discussion of the conflict in the Middle East in this post and just focus on a narrow question: How many Muslim votes are there in the state of Michigan, and could they actually cost the Democrats the state?

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