Posts tagged Protestants
Lent Not On The Radar For Most US Christians

Lent may be on the calendar, but it’s not something most Americans are observing. A traditional 40-day window of fasting before Easter, Lent is celebrated by around a quarter of U.S. adults, according to a Lifeway Research study. Three in four Americans (74%) say they do not typically observe Lent, while 26% participate.

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Crossroads Podcast: Why Democrats Need To Start Having Babies

(ANALYSIS) This fertility issue has both political and religious (#DUH) implications.

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After Years Of Decline, Share Of US Christians Stabilizes

As the U.S. continues to evolve religiously, the Pew study underscores the complex and shifting nature of religious belief and practice in America. While Christianity remains the dominant faith, trends suggest that the future may hold further diversification — something fueled by immigration, secularization and the beliefs of Gen Z.

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Trump Says In Inaugural Address He Was ‘Saved By God’

In a day punctuated by prayer and references to God, Donald Trump was sworn in on Monday as the 47th president of the United States. “I was saved by God to make America great again,” Trump said in his inaugural speech, alluding to the failed assassination attempt against him last July during a Pennsylvania rally.

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Convergence Of Religions: Connecting With God In Zimbabwe’s Mountains

Churches across Zimbabwe of various denominations climb mountains to seek God and find spiritual uplifting. Most pilgrims frequently pray for the mountains all night long, or they climb early in the morning and remain until the evening. The Domboshava Mountains see a flurry of activity, mostly on weekends.

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7 Little-Known Faith Facts About Thanksgiving Day

(EXPLAINER) Thanksgiving Day isn’t just about parades, crowded airports, football games and a turkey dinner. The U.S. holiday also has roots in the Christianity of 16th century Europe. The celebration has been linked to the Pilgrims of 1621 and the harvest festival since the late 19th century. As the name implies, the theme of the holiday revolves around giving thanks.

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Baptists In Mexico Remain Displaced Following Failed Agreement

About 150 Baptists forcibly displaced from their homes in Hidalgo, Mexico, since April have sought refuge in a neighboring state after Catholic village leaders reneged on an agreement that would have welcomed the Protestants home.

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Would Evangelicals Prefer A United States With No Mainline Protestants?

(ANALYSIS) I’ve been a party to a lot of conversations about being mainline over the last 20 years. And sometimes I get the distinct impression that evangelicals really, really don’t like mainline Protestants. But do prefer nonbelievers to mainline Christians?

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‘Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints’ Creates A Reverent Look At Christian Heroes

(REVIEW) “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” is an eight-episode docudrama series following the lives and sacrifices of saints: Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, John the Baptist, Thomas Becket, Mary Magdalene, Moses the Black, Sebastian and Maximillian Kolbe. Each episode features a dramatization of their lives, narration by Scorsese and a panel.

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Christians Who Attend Weekly Services Also Likely To Be Church Members

According to a Lifeway Research study, around four in five U.S. adults who attend a Protestant church in a typical month are members of that congregation. Specifically, 82% of regular churchgoers say they are currently a member of the church they attend. Fewer than one in five (17%) say they’re not a member, while 1% aren’t sure.

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Blessed Bikes: How Pedaling Has Helped Churches Raise Money For Repairs

A one-time bike ride sponsored by Anglican churches in 1982 has proven so successful it has turned into annual event and copied across Great Britain. The original rides have grown from just cyclists. Thousands of walkers, runners, canoeists, horse riders and even vintage car enthusiasts seeking to visit as many churches as possible within a day took part in last month’s event.

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Crossroads Podcast: What Changed With Trump’s Religion Numbers This Time?

As I watched Tuesday’s returns roll in, I kept noticing that much of the “news” in the 2024 election was actually old news for people who have been following the “Crossroads” podcast for the past decade.

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Pastors Paint Poor Picture Of Economic Impact On Churches

A new study found 66% of U.S. Protestant pastors say the economy is very or somewhat negatively impacting their church. The two in three pastors who report a negative economic impact is the highest since 2011, and the 14% who say the impact has been very negative is the highest ever recorded in the 15-year history of the study.

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On Religion: An ‘Old News’ Protestant Voting Mashup For The Election

(ANALYSIS) It was the rare Trump quote that caused groans as it rocketed through conservative media. But this soundbite came from an upcoming memoir from former first lady Melania Trump: “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman's fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy.”

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How 40 Protestant Denominations Voted In The Last 4 Presidential Elections

(ANALYSIS) I don’t know if you have heard or not, but there’s an election coming up. And it may be “the most important election in the history of the cosmos.” Or it may just be like every other presidential election we’ve had in the last 50 years. This election also gives me the opportunity to do something that I have always wanted to do, but just never had a great reason.

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More Americans Grow Open To Political Endorsements In Church

Few pastors endorse political candidates outside their role at church. Even fewer endorse during a church service. Most Americans like it that way, but they’re growing more supportive of churches jumping into the political fray. Lifeway Research studies of U.S. Protestant pastors and Americans found little practice or support for political endorsements from clergy and churches.

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On Religion: Do Pastors Face Pressure Tied To Partisan Politics?

Eight years ago, Lifeway Research asked Protestant pastors who they planned to support in the presidential election and only three percent declined to answer. That number didn't change much in 2020, when four percent declined. But things changed recently, when almost a quarter of the pastors refused to voice their choice in the 2024 White House race.

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How Jefferson And Madison’s Friendship Shaped Separation Of Church And State

(ANALYSIS) Two of the Founding Fathers shaped American views on religious freedom and the separation of church and state more than any other: Jefferson and James Madison. Yet their views have also become lightning rods for controversy as the “wall” between church and state comes under scrutiny.

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A Look At Biden’s Approval Rating Among Religious Groups

(ANALYSIS) I guess there is a question that motivates this post but it’s about as simple as it’s going to get: How is Joe Biden doing among a bunch of different religious groups? Asking about presidential approval is about as straightforward as it gets, and the question was posed in the Fall of 2021, 2022, and 2023.

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