Posts tagged gender
America’s Religious Heritage And Trump’s New Transgender Agenda

(ANALYSIS) With the transgender policies among President Trump’s blizzard of new executive orders, further explanation is needed on the cultural reality of deep-seated religious concepts. In particular, the resolutely “binary” Bible depicts humans as either male or female and underlies 2,000 years of Jewish and Christian teaching. Similarly with the Quran and Muslims. How should that heritage affect secular society and policy? 

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Trump ‘Ends Injustice’ Done To Female Athletes With Executive Order On Transgender Ban

(OPINION) It’s gratifying to see new government policies which align with God’s creational order, yet this is not the end of our witness on this issue. Our churches should both be eager to declare what is good and true and beautiful about biblical masculinity and femininity and read to help those who struggle with gender dysphoria find hope in the Gospel and the resurrection of the body at the end of the age.

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Faith Voters, Men, Women And The Gender Identity Debate

(ANALYSIS) In the 2024 presidential election campaign there were hundreds of millions of dollars spent on advertising to convince voters to back either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. But there was one spot that ran on television in a seeming loop.

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The Supreme Court Leads The Way To A New Phase Regarding The Transgender Debate

(ANALYSIS) The Justice Department is in a legal fight against Tennessee and, by extension, all 26 states with laws that forbid or restrict “gender-affirming” transition treatments for youths under the age of 18. Observers of the recent U.S. Supreme Court arguments in this United States v. Skrmetti case figure the Court will favor federalism, allowing states leeway for such limitations.

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The Growing Gender Gap Around Sexual Orientation

(ANALYSIS) ”Women are much more supportive of the LGBT population than men.” That came up in a Q&A session that I did after a talk. The person asked if women were leaving conservative churches more quickly because of their views of same-sex marriage and gender identity. OK, so let me just figure out if that’s true or not.

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Crossroads Podcast: Pride News Trends That May Continue Into The Future

Did everyone in the religious congregation of your choice have a good “Fidelity Month”? That’s a joke, of course. There were probably more churches in America that celebrated Pride Month than those that were aware that “Fidelity Month” even exists. And pride is where it’s at, when it comes to the principalities and powers of corporate America, Big Tech, Hollywood, mainstream newsrooms and the vast majority of our elected officials from sea to shining sea.

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Crossroads Podcast: Hey, New York Times! Why Not Cover Trans Issues As Hard News?

It was a New York Times headline that created tremors online: “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.” But here’s the question that was at the heart of this week’s “Crossroads” podcast: Why was this Pamela Paul essay in the opinion section, as opposed to being a hard-news report out front?

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God Becomes The Latest Subject Of The 'Woke' Pronoun Wars

(OPINION) An older campaign by feminists — including those working in the world of liturgy — sought to shun male pronouns, particularly when either gender is meant, in favor of plural they-them-their usage with singular antecedents. As you would expect, references to God himself — or is that "themself"? — is now part of this debate.

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United Methodist divorce nears, while denomination's left wing moves further left

(OPINION) According to one progressive Methodist, when the United Methodists finally split, conservatives will build a church defined "by who they will exclude today and who they will exclude tomorrow." The question is whether progressives will act on their convictions.

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A History: 400 Years of Infighting in the Southern Baptist Convention

(ANALYSIS) Concerned over the direction that some leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention have recently taken, a number of pastors in the denomination have formed the “Conservative Baptist Network” while others have left the denomination altogether. A history of the “Baptist battles” provides context for the SBC’s recent infighting along race, gender and ideology.

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Q&A with Dr. Beth Allison Barr: how 'biblical womanhood' is a recent phenomenon

The history of Christianity shows different and evolving interpretations on how Christian women should live. Medieval Christians for example prized joining a convent and devoting one’s life to God more than becoming a wife. This history is the subject of a new book by Dr. Beth Allison Barr, a professor of medieval history at Baylor University.

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Christian College Files Suit Challenging Biden Administration on Gender Identity

Christian school College of the Ozarks has filed a federal suit against the Biden Administration for a directive made in the Department of Housing and Urban Development on gender identity. The school claims the change forces religious schools to violate their beliefs.

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