Posts in Latin America
Cómo Se Prepara La Comunidad Sufí En Chile Para El Ramadán

A medida que se acerca el Ramadán, una comunidad sufí en Chile enfrenta los desafíos de prepararse para el ayuno en un país no musulmán. Chile, de mayoría católica, sabe poco sobre el Ramadán, el mes sagrado en el calendario lunar islámico en el que los musulmanes ayunan desde antes del amanecer hasta la puesta del sol. También se abstienen de relaciones sexuales durante el ayuno y evitan maldecir, pelear o discutir.

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How The Sufi Community In Chile Prepares For Ramadan

As Ramadan approaches, a Sufi community in Chile is grappling with the challenges of preparing for fasting in a non-Muslim country. Catholic-majority Chile knows little about Ramadan, the holy month in the Islamic lunar calendar in which Muslims fast just before sunrise until the setting of the sun. They also abstain from sexual relations during the fast and avoid cursing, fighting or arguing.  

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Trump Pushes Death Penalty For Undocumented Migrants In Capital Cases

President Donald Trump is calling for federal prosecutors to push for the death penalty in capital cases involving undocumented people. The move was one of dozens of executive orders the president signed on day one of his second term. The order encourages the Justice Department to pursue the death penalty and prioritizes two sets of cases: Those involving the murder of a law enforcement officer and those for crimes for which the death penalty is an option and the defendant is undocumented.

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Christians From Nicaragua And Panama Continue A US Church-Planting Legacy

Winning souls for Christ in Nicaragua was tough, but in a country where faith is almost an assumption, church membership and attendance doesn’t seem to be a priority, said minister César Gadea. Now, the church they planted is planting new churches. Some surveys refer to the South American nation as one of the most religious in the world.

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Hispanic Clergy Say Loss Of ‘Sensitive Locations’ Rule In ICE Raids Hurts Church

The loss of a rule that prevented officials from entering churches to arrest immigrants accused of being in the U.S. illegally has hurt the Church’s witness, the National Hispanic Baptist Network said on Jan. 29 in calling for the rule’s reinstatement.

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Trump’s Refugees Order Could Impact Persecuted Christians

President Donald Trump has halted for at least 90 days a refugee admissions program that resettled 100,000 individuals fleeing persecution in fiscal year 2024, including nearly 30,000 Christians. By an executive order Monday, Trump suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program “until such time as the further entry into the United States of refugees aligns with the interests” of the nation.

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Pope Francis’ New Autobiography ‘Hope’ Hits Bookshelves In 80 Countries

The book, six years in the making, vividly recreates Pope Francis’ childhood in Buenos Aires and offers few new insights into his papacy. The book is enhanced by remarkable photographs, including private and unpublished material made personally available by Francis himself. He tackles a series of topics, including the future of the church, social policy, migration and the environmental crisis.

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Pope Francis As Politician: Challenges Ahead In The US, Israel, Ukraine And China

(ANALYSIS) Could it possibly have been coincidence? The very day Congress certified Donald Trump’s election as the next U.S. president, the Vatican announced the transfer of San Diego’s Cardinal Robert McElroy to become the politically significant archbishop of Washington, D.C. There’s no doubt Pope Francis wants McElroy to keep an eye on Trump.

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El Nuevo Museo De Inmigrantes De Chile Se Encuentra Entre Iglesias Y Cementerios Del Siglo XIX

Un nuevo museo de inmigrantes, cerca de las iglesias anglicanas y luteranas del siglo XIX y los cementerios católicos y protestantes, planea convertirse en el centro de la vida cultural de la atracción más visitada de Valparaíso, el Cerro Concepción. La antigua Escuela Alemana de Valparaíso está siendo renovada para convertirse en el Museo del Inmigrante.

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Chile’s New Immigrant Museum Stands Amid Churches And Cemeteries

A new immigrant museum near the 19th-century Anglican and Lutheran churches and Catholic and Protestant cemeteries plans to become the center of cultural life on Valparaíso’s most visited attraction, Cerro Concepción. The former German School of Valparaíso is undergoing a renovation to become the Museo del Inmigrante.

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5 Religion News Trends To Watch For In 2025

It may be the start of a new year, but many of the same issues and concerns will dominate the news cycle in 2025. From Pope Francis’ health from the erosion of religious freedom in many parts of the globe to the moral implications that come with the widespread use of AI, here’s what to watch for in the new year.  

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Crossroads Podcast: Were There Any Actual Religion-News Stories In 2024?

(ANALYSIS) Almost two decades ago, the reigning editor of The New York Times admitted, during a speech to the National College Media Association, that the world’s most influential journalism cathedral had changed one of its core doctrines. 

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Technology, AI And Social Media: The 3 Horsemen Of Contemporary Atrocity Crimes

(ANALYSIS) Technology, AI and social media have been developed for the common good, to make our lives easier, one way or another. However, they can also be abused — and this is precisely what we have seen across contemporary cases of genocide.

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10 Catholic Priests Killed In Mexico During Obrador’s Term, Report Says

Ten Catholic priests and a seminarian were murdered during the six-year term of former Mexican President López Obrador that ended Sept. 30, the Catholic Multimedia Center said in its 2024 annual report.

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On Religion: Uncovering The Mysteries About Our Lady Of Guadalupe

(ANALYSIS) Year after year, Juan Diego's tilma is viewed by an estimated 20 million pilgrims, with more than 10 million visiting the basilica close to Dec. 12 — the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico and the Americas. Around the world, throngs march in parades and sacred processions behind copies of this iconic Marian image.

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Crypto Is Soaring After Trump’s Election: Is It An Ethical Investment?

(ANALYSIS) An estimated 18 million Americans are invested in cryptocurrency, according to the Federal Reserve. And the United States just elected a pro-crypto president. But is cryptocurrency a good ethical investment?

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Baptists In Mexico Remain Displaced Following Failed Agreement

About 150 Baptists forcibly displaced from their homes in Hidalgo, Mexico, since April have sought refuge in a neighboring state after Catholic village leaders reneged on an agreement that would have welcomed the Protestants home.

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The Orange Economy: How Religion and AI Are Shaping Innovation

(ANALYSIS) The creative economy is about translating the inspiration of culture and ideas into high-value businesses and enterprises.  For billions of people around the world their faith is a big source of inspiration and creativity. Artificial intelligence will be a major disruptor of our economy. It will also allow many people to join the ranks of the creative economy like never before. In essence, faith has a role to play in the unfurling of the next chapter in humanity’s economic story.

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Pope Francis Hails Final Synod Document As a Gift To God’s People

Addressing the Synod Assembly on Saturday evening, Pope Francis highlighted how the Final Document, written over the course of the 2nd Session of the Synod on Synodality that began on Oct. 2 following a process of listening and dialogue, is the fruit of over three years of listening to the People of God.

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Columbus Was Genetically A Sephardic Jew: Does It Make Him A Jewish Hero?

(ANALYSIS) To discover that Christopher Columbus, long whispered to have Jewish heritage, had markers of Sephardic DNA is to me about as monumental as learning the Earth is round circa 1492. In other words, it’s a belated conclusion that should effectively change little about how we understand the world today — even if some would have it otherwise.

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