(ANALYSIS) In a 14-year time period, support for same-sex marriage went from 31% to 68%. That’s just a stunning shift in such a short period of time. And because of the velocity of the change, we cannot attribute that to generational replacement.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Let me noodle around on that topic of polarization by using a nice question battery in the Cooperative Election Study. Along with religious affiliation, it asks folks to put themselves on an ideological scale that ranges from 1 (meaning very liberal) to 7 (meaning very conservative), while 4 is “middle of the road.”
Read More(ANALYSIS) I believe that we can probably find an example of the culture war in nearly every era of American history. I haven’t dabbled in too much polling data that centers around issues related to a transgender identity — largely because I don’t have access to polls that include questions on the topic. But the 2023 Cooperative Election Study did ask a three-question battery that I thought was worth some exploration.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in explores why a Texas district removed 41 books, including the Bible and a graphic novel version of “Anne Frank’s Diary,” from its school libraries. Plus, as always, catch up on the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) Teachers and coaches are excellent at helping kids learn math or tackling. They’re lousy at altering kids’ sexual orientation or their eternal destination. They don’t change who we fundamentally are. In the big matters, you’re dealing with three other influences: genes, parents and peers.
Read More(OPINION) Americans have seen how ugly culture wars can become when electoral politics are caught in its talons. Witness the vitriol that dominates the news out of Washington and various state capitals these days. The situation in India — the world’s largest Hindu-majority nation with the third-largest Muslim population after Indonesia and Pakistan — is arguably even worse.
Read More(ANALYSIS) The culture wars have been on full display during the first two months of the Biden presidency. It isn’t so much that Joe Biden is fueling the wars — he’s actually steered clear of many of these recent battles that brew on Twitter and cable TV news. How the press covers his faith, however, isn’t helping matter.
Read More(OPINION) On the docket are cases involving tax aid for students at religious schools, contraception, abortion access, LGBTQ rights and more.
Read More(OPINION) At TED 2019, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey says that if he could go back in time, he’d do some things differently. In light of the downfalls of social media, how should Christians respond to a digital age?
Read More(ANALYSIS) The most interesting figure in the culture wars today may be Patriarch Kirill from the Russian Orthodox Church, which with Russia has been promoting traditional Christian agendas on sexuality and abortion. This weekened the international non-profit World Congress of Families, founded by a Russian and an American, is hosting its annual meet to promote a pro-Christian worldview, conservative gender roles, anti-abortion policies and a hetero-normative agenda.
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