Posts tagged Education
Christians Establish Boarding School For Girls In Ghana

Volunteers from the village and the Bia Lamplighter College of Education — which is associated with Churches of Christ — mixed bags of cement with water. The material would form the foundation for the first girls’ boarding school for primary education in a region known as the Bia West District, according to Lamplighter founder Augustine Tawiah.  The nearest alternative is 11 hours away in the capital city of Accra. 

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How Prison Made Me A Better Bible Teacher

(OPINION) When I taught in prison, the students expressed more gratitude than I ever knew in any other setting. Any notion of the utilitarian foundation of education was reduced to ashes. These men were not coming to learn so they could get jobs or pad their resumes; they were coming for edification. They were coming to learn, to grow, to love.

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Neurodivergency, Christianity And The Renewal Of All Things

(OPINION) Temple Grandin says that without a major shift in how we learn, one that values neurodivergent people and all visual thinkers, American innovation will be stifled. If you’re a Christian, that ought to be of interest to you.

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No, Your Kid’s Teacher Won’t Turn Her Into The Thing You Fear

(OPINION) Teachers and coaches are excellent at helping kids learn math or tackling. They’re lousy at altering kids’ sexual orientation or their eternal destination. They don’t change who we fundamentally are. In the big matters, you’re dealing with three other influences: genes, parents and peers.

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