Posts by Warren Cole Smith
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Back From The Abyss

(ANALYSIS) If the saga of SWBTS does indeed have a happy ending, or at least a thriving next chapter, a good bit of the credit can be attributed to one man: Dr. David Dockery.

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Evangelicals’ Uneasy History With The Government Trough

(ANALYSIS) Conservatives, Christian conservatives in particular, have always had a troubled and inconsistent relationship with the idea of government funding flowing to nonprofits. Now, Donald Trump has reengaged the fight to reduce the size of government with DOGE, though he is going about it in strange ways.

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Should Christian Ministries Take Government Funds?

(ANALYSIS) The backlash against President Trump’s funding freeze was swift and strong. But the outcry was not just from progressives. A number of Christian groups, some of them relatively conservative, also objected. World Relief, the benevolence arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, said the freeze would hamper their refugee resettlement efforts.

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California Fires Highlight Importance of Faith-Based, Community Volunteerism

(ANALYSIS) It will be years before we know all the causes and contributing factors for these California fires. What I can say, though, is that local, faith-based efforts are – once again – among the first responders. They ignore the political questions and arguments about blame and are instead rolling up their sleeves and getting to work.

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Advent And Christmas Help Us See The Good, The True And The Beautiful

(ANALYSIS) One of the things I love about the Christmas season is the music. The ancient music is, of course, powerful. Time-tested hymns and carols still satisfy. But I am also impressed with a current crop of creators using their gifts to “make all things new.” An artist who bears special consideration in this conversation is Andrew Peterson.

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In A Divided Age, Will Anglicans Ultimately Save Evangelicalism?

(ANALYSIS) I am not young, but I too have turned to Anglicanism. In fact, I did so many years ago. For me, it was a much longer journey than it has been for many of the young people Sarah Carter describes. It is a journey that, with your permission, I will describe here.

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Should Christians Send Their Children To Public Schools?

(ANALYSIS) The U.S. Census Bureau says about 7 million children, or about 13% of school-aged students, go to private schools. This includes about 3.5 million homeschooled children. Both numbers represent significant increases in the past five years. Why has this shift taken place?

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Cornerstone University Proves No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

(ANALYSIS) Christian colleges and universities are in a tough spot. Spiraling costs and shrinking demographics, plus technological and other cultural concerns, are putting unprecedented pressure on them. That’s why the news from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Mich., caught my attention. John Fea, writing for Current, broke the news that “Cornerstone University fires tenured professors and terminates all humanities and arts programs.”

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Why The Anglican Church Faces Existential Challenges

(ANALYSIS) The Anglican Church in North America has been one of the success stories in recent American church history. But the denomination is experiencing growing pains. Its growth has flattened, and there is growing discontent in the denomination about its inability (or unwillingness) to address head-on some vital issues.

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4 Lessons From The PCA/David French Debacle

(OPINION) Following an outcry that spilled over into the mainstream media (“David French” and “PCA” trended nationally on X for days), a David French panel on “how to be supportive of your pastor and church leaders in a polarized political year” at the PCA General Assembly was canceled. However, that doesn’t mean the story is over, or that it doesn’t have some lessons to teach.

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Search For ‘True Charity’: A Network Of Christian Ministries Aim To Find It

(ANALYSIS) True Charity is a network of nearly two hundred organizations that seek to improve charity, influence relevant policy, and inform the public about the importance of effective compassion. The group held its annual conference last week in Springfield, Missouri.

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American Bible Society to Shut Down Faith and Liberty Discovery Center

Over the past decade, the American Bible Society spent nearly $100 million to build and operate a state-of-the-art interactive museum in Philadelphia that explains the role of the Bible and a Christian worldview in the nation’s founding, as well as in the ongoing history of the nation. At the end of this month, the museum will permanently close.

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Haiti On The Brink: Did Evangelicals Break The Caribbean Nation?

(ANALYSIS) The news coming from Haiti is not good. It’s not been good for years, for decades, but today it’s even worse. Gangs now control much of the country. It is essentially a failed state, with the lowest per capita income of any country in the Western Hemisphere and among the lowest on the planet. These are hard realities, but evangelicals need to face a hard reality of our own when it comes to Haiti.

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Has The Pro-Life Movement Lost Its Way?

(OPINION) It seems to me that the pro-life movement has lost its way. Sure, there are outward signs of success. Roe v. Wade was overturned. Roe was a bad decision, and overturning it was a good thing. But — as I have written elsewhere — we are now discovering that how one wins is as important as what one wins.

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Pregnancy Resource Centers Save Lives And Change Hearts And Minds

(OPINION) For decades, the pro-life movement in America was essentially a grassroots movement. The soul of this movement was compassion. That compassion was most evident in the network of more than 3,000 pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) that had grown up around the nation. Many of them have been part of two large networks called Care Net and Heartbeat International.

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The Kind Of Leadership The Church Needs Now

(OPINION) My father, who recently died at age 92, often said, “The older we get, the better we were.” This expression is a succinct, if folksy, way of describing the common practice of historical revisionism. But Christians tend to engage in revisionism, too. If progressives denigrate the past, many Christians and conservatives sentimentalize the past.

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Solving The Christian Higher Education Crisis

(ANALYSIS) In the past few months, we’ve reported on the closures or de-accreditation of The King’s College, Alderson Broaddus University and Alliance University. The industry publication Higher Ed Dive reports that 96 colleges and universities (not all of them Christian schools) have either shut down or been absorbed by other organizations since 2016. That’s more than one per month. There’s every reason to believe this trend will continue, and possibly accelerate.

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Giving To Maui Disaster Relief And Who To Avoid

(ANALYSIS) The horrific scenes coming from Maui — and news that at least 90 people have died — have caused many of our readers to ask, “How can I help?” Here are a few principles and tips to keep in mind as you give to Maui relief efforts. We also have our assessment of some ministries that are raising funds to help.

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‘Stick To The Old Paths’: Church Music Is About More Than Style

(OPINION) For the past decade, a handful of megachurches have dominated worship music. They include Elevation Church, Australia-based Hillsong, and California’s Bethel Church — all churches that have had their share of scandal and controversy. Still, most worship leaders have carefully compartmentalized the controversy and have continued to use their songs — and, in effect, financially support these churches.

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