Posts by Ira Rifkin
What Responsibility Do Journalists Have When Covering Incendiary Wars About Religion And Culture?

(OPINION) Americans have seen how ugly culture wars can become when electoral politics are caught in its talons. Witness the vitriol that dominates the news out of Washington and various state capitals these days. The situation in India — the world’s largest Hindu-majority nation with the third-largest Muslim population after Indonesia and Pakistan — is arguably even worse.

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Growing Haredi Numbers Poised To Alter Global Judaism

(OPINION) The most strictly religious Jews — the mystical-oriented Hasidic followers of historic rabbinic lineages and the “mitnagdim,” Hasidism’s more intellectually focused religious critics — suffered some of the worst losses in the Holocaust. But a new survey says that by 2040, if their current growth rate persists, about a quarter of the world’s Jews will likely be Haredi.

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Liberal Religion's Sharp Decline Closes Reform Jewish Seminary. How About Some Elite News Ink?

(OPINION) Organized American Judaism — not unlike other American faith traditions — is in the midst of a shakeup. The latest evidence of this was the recent announcement that Reform Judaism’s first rabbinic seminary, in Cincinnati, will soon cease ordinations at the end of the 2026 academic year.

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Stories About Ukrainian Jews? Try A 1,000-Year History, The Pale Of Settlement And A Global Diaspora

(OPINION) Ukraine has one of the five largest Jewish communities in Europe. Prior to the start of the current civilian refugee exodus, Ukrainian Jews numbered an estimated 100,000-200,000 individuals, down from nearly a half-million in 1989.

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Covering The Goyim Defense League: Does News About Antisemitism Inspire Copycats?

(OPINION) Does giving antisemitism extensive coverage — warranted though it may be — prompt more antisemites to act out publicly? Does publicity embolden and thus spark potential copycat antisemitism?

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For Top Athletes, Is Standing Up For Human Rights — In Beijing, Saudi Arabia, Qatar — Worth The Risk?

(OPINION) The Beijing Winter Olympics are quickly approaching and being held in China’s capital city. A major question is, “Do elite international athletes have a moral responsibility to publicly comment or act in a way that acknowledges their awareness of oppressive — or worse — political conditions in nations in which they compete?”

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How Religion Impacts The Global Migrant Crisis

(OPINION) Religious leaders have long involved themselves in the immigration debate, taking a variety of of pro and con positions. So does religiosity make people more welcoming, or more suspicious, of the stranger? A recent Religion News Service story tries to answer the question as it has unfolded in Europe.

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Like Berlin 1936, World Ignores China's Treatment Of Uighurs For Beijing 2022 Olympics

(OPINION) It should be evident to all paying attention that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will proceed as planned. Forget the meager protests against China’s cruel and immoral treatment of its own. The bad guys appear to be on the verge of another power-play victory.

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Two religion stories that deserve more attention: China and India

(OPINION) A piece about China’s communist government’s fear of Christianity sparks the question– why don’t news outlets cover the government’s fear and distaste of other religions, such as Buddhism and Islam, as well?

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Despite China's Vast Religious and Political Repression, 2022 Olympic Boycott Still unlikely

(OPINION) Will the international community — and in particular the United States and other democracy-espousing nations — punk out as it did with the Nazi-run 1936 Berlin Olympics for the winter games in China in 2022? Or will the International community find some righteous backbone and either boycott the games, or make its opposition to Beijing’s policies known in another significant and unmistakable manner?

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Israel Issue Complicates anti-Semitism Definition — Possibly Haunting Biden's Work in the Middle East

(OPINION) How do you define anti-Semitism? Jews are wrestling with this idea as President Biden handles international relations with Israel. This leaves Jews asking, what constitutes fair political criticism of Israel and what is unfair — or biased — criticism of Israel that bleeds into hateful anti-Semitism?

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EU hypocrisy? Factory Farming Continues, but Kosher and Halal Traditions Nixed

(OPINION) Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are growing threats in Europe. The EU outlawed certain kosher protocols that also follow halal guidelines — expressing implicit bias towards animals over devout religious people. Though, they may need to prioritize cruelty during the animal’s life over cruelty during the animal’s death.

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India's 'Love Jihad' Interfaith Marriage Story May Be Political Spin, But Its Effects Are Real

(OPINION) India’s new contemporary TV drama, “A Suitable Boy,” tells the story of a Muslim man falling in love with a Hindu woman. This love story falls under the conspiracy of “love jihad” that assumes that Muslim men fall for non-Muslim women for the sole purpose of converting them.

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Nigerian boy jailed for blasphemy offers hope, despite holes in media coverage

(OPINION) An uplifting story from The Washington Post about a young Nigerian boy brought hope during times of uncertainty in many religious communities. Other news sources tried to continue telling the story, but the religious angle seemed underdeveloped.

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