Posts tagged Obergefell v. Hodges
The Culture Wars: Gender Transition Surgery and ‘Don't Say Gay’

(ANALYSIS) I believe that we can probably find an example of the culture war in nearly every era of American history. I haven’t dabbled in too much polling data that centers around issues related to a transgender identity — largely because I don’t have access to polls that include questions on the topic. But the 2023 Cooperative Election Study did ask a three-question battery that I thought was worth some exploration.

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Churches Ask Senate To Oppose Respect For Marriage Act

Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal defense group, sent a letter on behalf of 2,000 “pastors, ministers of faith, and leaders of religious nonprofit organizations” asking the U.S. Senate to oppose the Respect for Marriage Act, H.R. 8404, which it said puts churches and ministries in danger of injustice.

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