Posts in North America
With Another Election Looming, Why Donald Trump Is Still So Hated

(OPINION) There is no neutrality when it comes to Donald Trump. To the contrary, he is arguably the most polarizing figure in America, if not in the world, and at the mention of his name, temperatures rise. To his loyal supporters, he is a courageous hero of superhuman proportions. To his fervent detractors, he is the incarnation of evil itself in exaggerated form. Why, then, does Trump bring such extreme polarization? Why is he so hated?

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How American Catholics View Pope Francis And Church Doctrine

A large majority of U.S. Catholics have a positive view of Pope Francis — although his popularity has slipped since he became pontiff in 2013, a new poll has found. Furthermore, when it comes to whether priests should be allowed to marry, among other hot-button issues, Catholics in the United States remain divided primarily along political lines.

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Need For Community: What the Church Should Do About Singleness

Christians are divided on how to address this growing issue. One camp sees this as a problem — something that needs to be solved by helping people get married. The other sees the problem as the privileging of marriage — and that it’s the church that needs to adapt to reflect such societal changes. Here’s what some books are saying about the issue.

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Search For ‘True Charity’: A Network Of Christian Ministries Aim To Find It

(ANALYSIS) True Charity is a network of nearly two hundred organizations that seek to improve charity, influence relevant policy, and inform the public about the importance of effective compassion. The group held its annual conference last week in Springfield, Missouri.

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‘Overhyped’ Christian Nationalism Label Draws Political Backlash

Even as countless books, newspaper articles and cable TV segments devote intense attention to Christian nationalism, the term has become so pervasive that it risks losing any real meaning, according to a growing group of scholars both on the left and right. Nonetheless, expect its use to grow as another presidential election nears.

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Online Jewish Salon Hopes Conversation Has The Power To Heal

When Jews gather around their Passover seder tables on April 22, most will read in the hagaddah prayerbook a simple tale of four children who are tasked with learning of the Jewish exodus from slavery in ancient Egypt: The wise child, the wicked child, the simple child, and the child who does not know how to ask.

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The Hoax Of Denying Replacement Theology

(OPINION) As for those who are not familiar with the term “replacement theology,” or, more technically, “supersessionism,” this refers to the idea that the Church has replaced (or superseded) Israel in God’s plan of salvation, as a result of which, the promises God once gave to national Israel now apply to the church.

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Churches Join The Rest Of North America In Viewing Solar Eclipse

Northwoods Church joined others Monday in opening its doors for those wanting to see the last total eclipse to cross the U.S. for another 20 years. More than 100 people and multiple guests from the community took advantage of the view from the church’s property, said Pastor Bobby Pell.

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Will The United Methodist Church Finally Settle Its Big Split?

(ANALYSIS) The UMC has just suffered America’s worst schism since the Civil War, with 7,658 traditionalist congregations, a quarter of the former total, departing as of New Year’s Eve. The Charlotte gathering will once again deal with the central problem that has plagued this prominent denomination for most of the 56 years since it was founded through a merger. 

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Cherry Blossoms: Inside The Spiritual Meaning Of Sakura

(EXPLAINER) Cherry blossoms hold a profound significance in various cultures around the world, often intertwined with religious and spiritual symbolism. Both their beauty and delicate nature have inspired poets, artists and thinkers. Here’s a look at how different cultures — from Japan to India to the United States — feel about at these dazzling flowers that bloom each April.

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Teens Mix Radio Show’s Humor With Bible’s Bold Message Of Faith

High school puppeteers mixed the radio show’s good ole boy humor with Romans 1:16’s bold testimony (“I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ”) to deliver an award-winning performance at the annual Lads to Leaders convention in Nashville.

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A 60-Year History Of White Evangelicals And Politics

(ANALYSIS) White evangelicals vote for Trump because White evangelicals are Republicans, and Donald Trump is the standard bearer of the GOP. That’s the same reason they voted for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. But have White evangelicals always been Republicans, or is this a very recent phenomenon?

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New Vatican Document On Human Dignity Condemns Gender Theory

Four months after supporting blessings for same-sex couples, the Vatican on Monday declared gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy as violations of human dignity — making them equal to abortion and euthanasia as practices that reject God’s plan. The Holy See’s office that handles doctrine issued “Infinite Dignity,” a 20-page document that had been in the works for five years.

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Historic Texas Church Experiences Growth Through Evangelism

Mulberry Springs Baptist Church, about 15 miles northeast of Longview, doesn’t see a lot of traffic on a typical day. Yet the rural congregation, founded in 1892, is building a new worship space to seat nearly 800 people. Nearly two decades ago, attendance was a little over 100 and the discouraged congregation had moved back to its older, smaller meeting space. These days, the place is packed.

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‘Motorhome Prophecies’ Highlights Some Of The World’s Most Pressing Social Challenges

(REVIEW) Carrie Sheffield is an accomplished Harvard-trained journalist and political commentator, but even though she’s written elsewhere about being raised by an abusive self-proclaimed Mormon prophet, I doubt that most of her fans and followers are aware of just how brutal her story really is. This remarkable memoir illuminates some of our most pressing social challenges with forthrightness, grace, and hope that can be missing in other memoirs often fueled by resentment and anger.

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Total Solar Eclipse: How Religions React To The Celestial Event

From ancient civilizations to the world’s major religions, humans have sought to understand celestial phenomena in ways that reflect their spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions. Whether viewed as omens, manifestations of divine power or just a natural occurrence, eclipses continue to inspire wonder, reminding us of the interconnectedness of the cosmos and our place within it.

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Jewish Plaintiffs Claim Religious Exemption To Indiana Abortion Ban

Hoosier Jews for Choice and four others can proceed in a class action challenge to Indiana’s abortion ban, claiming it violates their individual rights under the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), an appeals court has ruled.

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New Study Shows That Most US Muslims Give To Charities During Ramadan

(ANALYSIS) Nearly 70% of Muslim Americans say they always give zakat, a yearly donation of 2.5% of one’s wealth that Islam encourages, during Ramadan according to a new study I worked on. Our Muslim Philanthropy Initiative research team at Indiana University surveyed 1,136 Muslims across the country in 2023 to assess the connection between Ramadan and zakat. We also looked into demographic differences in Muslim giving tied to Ramadan.

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