Posts tagged catholic church
What ‘Conclave’ Didn’t Show You: Inside The Secret Process Of Electing A Pope

(EXPLAINER) You’ve seen the movie “Conclave” — but what does a real one look like? A papal conclave is one of the most unique and secretive processes in the world, bringing together cardinals who gather under intense pressure to choose a new pope. Unlike the film, the tradition is meant to ensure the election is conducted in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection.

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Zimbabwean Community And Jesuits Clash Over Ancestral Land

Local residents and the Catholic order have engaged in a years-long court battle after the church tried to evict them from their ancestral land on the outskirts of the capital Harare. The more than 1,000 families, however, were relieved when a court agreed to halt, for now, a move by the Jesuits to evict them from their land that the church wants to turn into an urban residential area.

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Jimmy Lai’s Trial Under National Security Law Delayed Yet Again

(ANALYSIS) On July 25, a Hong Kong court dismissed Jimmy Lai’s defense’s mid-trial submission of “no case to answer” and adjourned the trial for four months until the end of November 2024, when Lai is expected to give evidence.

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How American Catholics View Pope Francis And Church Doctrine

A large majority of U.S. Catholics have a positive view of Pope Francis — although his popularity has slipped since he became pontiff in 2013, a new poll has found. Furthermore, when it comes to whether priests should be allowed to marry, among other hot-button issues, Catholics in the United States remain divided primarily along political lines.

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Exclusive: Cardinal Zen Says Chinese Church Without Vatican's Help Will 'Die Out Soon'

Hong Kong pro-democracy leader and Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen told Religion Unplugged that if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were to pull out of cooperation with the Vatican and attempt to maintain an entirely Chinese Catholic Church without the pope as its head, the entire organization will be rejected by the laity. New regulations on the Church go into effect May 1 and appear designed to block the Vatican’s control of the Church inside China.

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Coronavirus fears cause world's largest faith groups to pause pilgrimages, rethink tradition

Egypt, Israel and Palestine are closing several holy sites after a fleet of Greek tourists who visited them have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. Meanwhile, faith groups around the world are rethinking traditions to curb the spread of the disease and protect their worshippers without straying from their religious laws.

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