Posts in Culture
Trump And The Cultural Revolution: A Practical Assessment

(OPINION) On a certain level, things just got a lot more simple. That’s because it will become increasingly difficult for the church to look to Trump to lead the way on key moral and cultural issues. To be sure, he has chosen his battles carefully, highlighting the destructive extremes of radical transgender activism while distancing himself from Project 2025.

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On Religion: Why Are Clergy So Timid When It Comes To The Smartphone Crisis?

(ANALYSIS) As the star of the scathing documentary "Religulous" — "religious" plus "ridiculous" — Bill Maher has never hidden his agnostic views about faith. But that doesn't mean the stand-up comic doubts the reality of evil. Consider his blistering comment on smartphones, drawn from his “Real Time” talk show earlier this year.

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A Jewish Snowman Movie Would Have Made More Sense Than Netflix’s ‘Hot Frosty’

(REVIEW) Christmas may not be a Jewish holiday and “Hot Frosty” is entirely devoid of even the slightest hint of Hanukkah happening in the background. What I’m saying is this: Jews are way better at holiday magic. And since Christians get so many holiday movies, we are the ones who deserve the hot snowman golem movie.

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From Greed To Lust: Here Are The ‘Most Sinful’ Cities In The United States

It turns out what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay there. In fact, sin is everywhere — from beer-loving Milwaukee to decadent New Orleans — meaning that the U.S. is filled with people behaving badly, a new study finds. The report compared more than 180 U.S. cities across 37 key indicators and seven sinful behaviors, including greed, lust, vanity and laziness.

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Ancient Holy Land Mosaic Helps Mark Museum Of The Bible’s ‘Special’ 7th Anniversary

What does a Roman centurion and an artist have in common with an ancient mosaic from the Holy Land more than 1,800 years ago? All are featured in the Megiddo Mosaic on display at the Museum of the Bible in an exhibit considered to be the oldest display of Christian faith in the world. The museum opened seven years ago this month.

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Mediha: A Yazidi Survivor Fights For A New Life After Enslavement

(ANALYSIS) Now, thanks to a brave young Yazidi woman, Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad, the struggle to reestablish life after years of enslavement is brought to the surface, with a documentary from director Hasan Oswald and executive producer Emma Thompson.

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Crossroads Podcast: A Must-Read Look At Pro-Life Work During Trump 2.0

Soon after becoming president, Democrat Jimmy Carter signed the Hyde Amendment into law — barring the use of federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is at stake. When the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration attempted to kill the Hyde Amendment, a small — but symbolic — group of Democrats appealed to the elderly Carter for help.

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Religion In The Workplace Is Tricky, But Everyone Loses When It Becomes A Taboo

(ANALYSIS) We are social scientists who spent the past five years conducting research on the role of faith at work. Our findings confirm that there are many challenges when religion comes into the workplace. However, the costs of ignoring or suppressing workers’ faith often exceed those risks and challenges.

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The Death Of A Muslim Cleric Again Raises Questions About Erdogan’s Rule

Fethullah Gulen was an Islamic cleric who had built a powerful global movement — but eventually found himself exiled in the U.S. and caught up in accusations that he had orchestrated a military coup against Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan. 

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On Religion: Who Did Hell Endorse In This Year’s Election?

(ANALYSIS) Forget the opinions of newspaper czars. The question many voters needed to know in this feverish White House race was simple: Who did Hell endorse? Writing in the style of “The Screwtape Letters” by Christian apologist C.S. Lewis (in which a veteran tempter lectures lesser demons), Dominick Baruffi didn't answer the question.

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Why British Funerals Are Becoming More Boisterous And Bizarre

(ANALYSIS) Funerals — often thought of as solemn events filled with grief and mourning — are starting to take on a different tone. In Britain, anyway. In fact, more people view funerals as opportunities to celebrate life, rather than occasions for somber reflection. It’s a shift that’s redefining how the Brits, renowned for their stiff upper lips, are saying goodbye to loved ones.

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From ‘Shrimp Jesus’ To Fake Portraits, AI-Generated Images Latest Form Of Social Media Spam

(ANALYSIS) If you’ve spent time on Facebook, you may have noticed photorealistic images that are too good to be true: children holding paintings that look like the work of professional artists, or majestic log cabin interiors that are the stuff of Airbnb dreams. Others, such as renderings of Jesus made out of crustaceans, are just bizarre.

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The Jewish Renaissance Of Zimbabwe’s Lemba Community

Without any physical distinction from their neighbors and without any open religious congregations of their own, many Jews in Zimbabwe couldn’t resist the lure of joining mainstream society in which they lived. This assimilation trend by younger members of the Lemba community prompted soul searching by some, resulting in a decision to retrace the way back to their original Jewish faith.

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Columbus Was Genetically A Sephardic Jew: Does It Make Him A Jewish Hero?

(ANALYSIS) To discover that Christopher Columbus, long whispered to have Jewish heritage, had markers of Sephardic DNA is to me about as monumental as learning the Earth is round circa 1492. In other words, it’s a belated conclusion that should effectively change little about how we understand the world today — even if some would have it otherwise.

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2024 MLB Playoffs: 5 Reasons Jewish Baseball Fans Love The New York Mets So Much

To understand why Jews love the New York Mets so much requires a Talmudic understanding of New York City history, sports history and Jewish psychology. It’s also about the DNA of baseball and Brooklyn in the 1950s; being called “amazin’” when you’re actually the worst team around, and disappointing fans so often that reveling in your losses becomes a badge of honor.

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Watch: How An Indian Mother Overcame A Societal Taboo

In 2020, Swagata Majumdar faced the unimaginable grief of losing her twins. The grief of losing her children became overwhelming. She also realized that child loss is a significant taboo in India, leading to the isolation of bereaved mothers. Determined to challenge this stigma and support others, she started a support group for mothers who have lost a child.

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Watermelons And Dog Tags: Guide To The Symbols Of The Israel-Hamas War

The Israel-Hamas war has dominated public debate, influenced elections and seeped into every aspect of life for a year. And people have learned to succinctly display their position through various visual cues, whether on T-shirts or placards held at marches. Not all of these are new. The keffiyeh and Palestinian flag have long been mainstays in protests, as have the Star of David and Israel’s colors. Over the past year, however, new symbols have also emerged to show solidarity.

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