Pastors have reported that they have been forced to shelter rebels inside their churches as well as within their surrounding communities. The rebels are well aware that hiding in these sanctuaries guarantees them protection, given the government’s longstanding commitment to ensuring that attacks do not target civilians, churches or hospitals.
Read MoreAnimals such as cows, sheep and goats play different roles in the traditional culture and religion of millions of South Africans. Nonetheless, there is growing controversy regarding how different faiths handle animal sacrifice.
Read MoreAccepting her role as the reigning Miss South Africa, Mia Le Roux said, “It is my turn to be your community, to be a voice for those who, like me, have experienced the challenges of being different and feeling excluded.”
Read MoreOver 20 political parties, including Muslim and Christian ones, joined in their objection to the announced results of South Africa’s national elections held last week, citing a myriad of voting irregularities. According to them, the identified irregularities were serious widespread systemic deficiencies and undermined votes cast by millions of South Africans. The parties said they require a recount of votes, while others requested a reelection.
Read MoreA prominent South African pastor said God will judge the ruling African National Congress for “robbing the poor” and attempting to corrupt the church in a vote-buying scheme that mixed religion with politics. The stern rebuke came after it was reported that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa of the ANC had pledged to build 1,000 houses for members of the Shembe Baptist Church.
Read MoreThe murder last month of a Catholic priest is the latest in a spate of attacks against Christian clerics. Overall, South Africa’s crime rate has spiked to its highest levels in two decades. At the same time, many see these recent attacks against clerics as an infringement on their religious freedom to worship since Christians are increasingly fearful of going to church as a result of the increased violence.
Read MoreThe OM Ship, carrying a crew of 350 missionaries from 70 nations, arrived at the Richards Bay’s port in the Eastern Cape in South Africa for their five-month ministry stay earlier this year. They are currently stationed at five South African ports and are expected to complete their work in June.
Read MoreSome South African pastors are among a group who have risked their lives by preaching the gospel in places where gang violence and murder seems to be an unending cycle. These brave pastors continue to preach even though their friends, family and church members live under the threat of violence every day.
Read MoreThe fear of not being able to preach again gripped an Ohio author and pastor when his oncologists told him he had been diagnosed with tongue cancer. Dr. Edward Wishart was diagnosed in 2008 with the aggressive form of cancer of the tongue known as squamous cell carcinoma. It was an experience that would forever transform Wishart’s ministry and his relationship with God and others.
Read MoreIt is customary for married couples from different religious background to convert to a single faith after tying the knot. However, some Muslim and Christian couples, mostly in Nigeria and some parts of the United States, have defied this custom, instead opting to marry without converting to their spouse’s faith.
Read MoreThe gangsterism style of rape dwindled when South Africa gained its freedom on April 27, 1994. Yet, rape is coming to a rise in a different dimension. Many homes are affected by fathers and brothers who are victimizing and raping their own wives, mothers, daughters and sisters. What is now appalling is the reported recurring incidents of rapes that women and children suffer at the hands of some of the clergy.
Read More(PERSONAL ESSAY) It was as if I faced what we call in development economics a “false paradigm.” A few days before leaving my home country, every stop I took at a bank around my place of residence as well as at the O.R. Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa, I felt I was wrongly advised by the forex department to not carry cash on hand for safety precautions. They, however, did not perceive the current naira scarcity saga that has affected millions of Nigerians — Christians, churches, nonbelievers, the rich and the poor.
Read interviewed 11 children celebrating Nelson Mandela International Day on July 18 from Botswana, South Africa, Nigeria and India about the late president of South Africa. Mandela spent 27 years of his life incarcerated for his fight against racial discrimination against Black people by the South African apartheid government.
Read MoreSome churches and religious organizations have adopted the government’s theme in their events and preaching. To highlight the importance of education, it has become a norm for the older generation to go to work or attend church services and business meetings wearing school uniforms. This significant event has drawn the world’s attention to South Africa since 1976.
Read MoreAnnamma Lucy, 49, started her teaching career in India, now teaches in the United Arab Emirates and won the 2021 Cambridge Dedicated Teacher Award, a global competition of more than 13,000 nominations in 112 countries. While such a title is hard to quantify, Lucy’s dedication to her students is palpable and her gift to the poor each month is a simple calculation: 10%.
Read MoreThe late Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu who changed the world through his message of truth and racial reconciliation will be buried in Cape Town on Jan. 1, 2022.
Read MoreAs millions of South Africans visited the polls this week, the South African Council of Churches prayed that the local municipal elections would not trigger more spread of COVID-19. The nation has been one of the world’s hardest hit during the pandemic in terms of coronavirus infections and death rate, with 2.92 million cases and 89,179 deaths.
Read MoreTMP’s flagship Coaching & Leadership Fellowship program just wrapped up in St. Petersburg, Fla., where we hosted a week-long workshop Oct. 7-13 at the Poynter Institute. Fellows participated in a series of interactive sessions on leadership principles they can use in their newsrooms. strategic thinking, global fact-checking, social media, coaching writers, using feedback, resolving conflict, and improving newsroom collaboration.
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