Posts in Catholicism
Why ‘The War Of The Rohirrim’ And Its Agnostic ‘LOTR’ Anime Just Doesn’t Work

(ANALYSIS) The news cycle hasn’t been kind to “Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim.” The film made headlines as the lowest-grossing (and worst-reviewed) entry in the Peter Jackson series. The film made $5 million on its opening weekend, finishing fifth at the box office and earning a 52% on Rotten Tomatoes. But none of it really matters because the point of this movie was never this movie. Let me explain.

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Amid Government Excesses, Kenya’s Catholic Bishops Regain Their Voice

As Ruto’s regime enters a new year struggling to win public acceptance, it is clear that the voice of the Catholic bishops is back and their political clout will increasingly reverberate in the corridors of power.. “A culture of lies is swiftly replacing integrity and respect in government,” said Bishop Dominic Kimengich of the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, adding, “Kenyans deserve better!”

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The Supreme Court Leads The Way To A New Phase Regarding The Transgender Debate

(ANALYSIS) The Justice Department is in a legal fight against Tennessee and, by extension, all 26 states with laws that forbid or restrict “gender-affirming” transition treatments for youths under the age of 18. Observers of the recent U.S. Supreme Court arguments in this United States v. Skrmetti case figure the Court will favor federalism, allowing states leeway for such limitations.

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Special Report: Are Churches Letting The ‘Suicide Capital Of The World’ Down?

Despite this grim reality, church leaders in this nation of 2.3 million are not just in denial about this social crisis — but are also in denial about being in denial, leaving the desperately depressed with no one to give them the much-needed message of hope. Talking about suicide is taboo in many African societies and that includes Lesotho.

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10 Catholic Priests Killed In Mexico During Obrador’s Term, Report Says

Ten Catholic priests and a seminarian were murdered during the six-year term of former Mexican President López Obrador that ended Sept. 30, the Catholic Multimedia Center said in its 2024 annual report.

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AI Jesus Might ‘Listen’ To Your Confession, But Can’t Absolve Your Sins

(ANALYSIS) The installation was a two-month project in religion, technology and art titled “Deus in Machina,” created at the University of Lucerne. The original Latin phrase literally means “god from the machine”; it refers to a plot device used in Greek and Roman plays, introducing a god to resolve an impossible problem or conflict facing the characters.

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Faith Leaders Call On Biden To Commute Federal Death Row Sentences

Faith leaders called on President Joe Biden on Monday to commute all federal death row sentences before President-elect Donald Trump, who supports capital punishment, takes office next month. The group — which includes Black pastors, Catholics, former corrections officials, civil rights advocates, current and former prosecutors — reflects bipartisan concern about the use of capital punishment.

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How India’s Christian Organizations Are Battling Misinformation

As misinformation continues to challenge communities across India, faith-based organizations are stepping up to promote understanding and counter harmful narratives. Through educational initiatives and distribution of trustworthy information, Christian organizations are playing a crucial role. Their work underscores the importance of navigating such challenges in the digital age.

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Notre Dame Reborn: 3 Things You Need To Know About The Reopened Cathedral

Five years after a devastating fire, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris will reopen this weekend, showing off its rebuilt ceilings and new stonework. The cathedral’s interior reconstruction, erasing somber memories of its 2019 fire, is a major step forward despite scaffolding and cranes still working on the damaged exterior.

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On Religion: Uncovering The Mysteries About Our Lady Of Guadalupe

(ANALYSIS) Year after year, Juan Diego's tilma is viewed by an estimated 20 million pilgrims, with more than 10 million visiting the basilica close to Dec. 12 — the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico and the Americas. Around the world, throngs march in parades and sacred processions behind copies of this iconic Marian image.

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On Religion: Trump, Reagan And Prayers Following Assassination Attempts

(ANALYSIS) For decades, Catholics recited this prayer after Mass, a practice continued by some Catholics and opposed by others. Thus, former President Donald Trump triggered debates by posting this prayer on social-media platforms on Sept. 29, the Catholic feast day of the archangels, in the ledad-up to Election Day.

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Why You Should Get To Know Thomas Aquinas — Even 800 Years After He Lived

(ANALYSIS) As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Thomas Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this medieval saint is “still worth” reading today, nearly 800 years after his birth. Aquinas is a giant of Western philosophy and theology. As a Catholic philosopher and avid student of Aquinas, I am always fielding questions about whether this saint is “still worth” reading today.

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45 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Leaders Jailed For ‘Subversion’

(ANALYSIS) Earlier this month, 45 Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders were sentenced to years in jail for “subversion” following a controversial National Security Law trial. The group of human rights defenders, scholars and lawmakers were charged with conspiracy to commit subversion for taking part in an unofficial primary to select opposition candidates in July 2020.

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Are Faith And Free Will Compatible With One Another?

(ANALYSIS) Few questions have intrigued humanity more than the mystery of free will. Are we truly in control of our lives or are we following a script written by something greater? The debate over free will has raged for centuries, touching philosophy, science and religion. Which brings us to another age-old question: Can a belief in free will coexist with religious doctrine?

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Baptists In Mexico Remain Displaced Following Failed Agreement

About 150 Baptists forcibly displaced from their homes in Hidalgo, Mexico, since April have sought refuge in a neighboring state after Catholic village leaders reneged on an agreement that would have welcomed the Protestants home.

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Crossroads Podcast: The Struggle To Cover The Sins Of Powerful Clergy

The scandals surrounding the life and work of the former (and now disgraced) cardinal Theodore McCarrick rumbled in the background of Roman Catholic life for decades — starting in the early 1980s. Insiders whispered, but nothing was done.

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Crossroads Podcast: A Must-Read Look At Pro-Life Work During Trump 2.0

Soon after becoming president, Democrat Jimmy Carter signed the Hyde Amendment into law — barring the use of federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the mother is at stake. When the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration attempted to kill the Hyde Amendment, a small — but symbolic — group of Democrats appealed to the elderly Carter for help.

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‘Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints’ Creates A Reverent Look At Christian Heroes

(REVIEW) “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” is an eight-episode docudrama series following the lives and sacrifices of saints: Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, John the Baptist, Thomas Becket, Mary Magdalene, Moses the Black, Sebastian and Maximillian Kolbe. Each episode features a dramatization of their lives, narration by Scorsese and a panel.

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New Rules On Supernatural Appearances Of Mary Will Affect Pilgrimage Site

(ANALYSIS) For over 40 years, six people from Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, have claimed to see and speak with the Virgin Mary. For almost as long, hordes of pilgrims have traveled to visit sites of the virgin’s alleged appearance and to observe the seers’ daily trances. The Vatican has never approved the pilgrimage or issued official judgment of the visionaries — until now.

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How John Bradburne Could Become Zimbabwe’s First Catholic Saint

“He loved them to the end.” While this Biblical verse found in John 13:1 is in reference to Jesus, it also sums up the life of John Bradburne, the British-born missionary martyred in Zimbabwe more than four decades ago that many are hopeful will become the country’s first Catholic saint.

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