Posts tagged Protestant Reformation
Peasants Revolted 500 Years Ago, But Martin Luther Shattered Their Hopes for Freedom

(ANALYSIS) Five hundred years ago, in the winter of 1524-1525, bands of peasants roamed the German countryside seeking recruits. It was the start of the German Peasants’ War, the largest uprising in Europe before the French Revolution. The peasants’ goal was to overturn serfdom and create a fairer society grounded on the Christian Bible.

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Unintended Consequences Of Martin Luther’s Reformation

(OPINION) In the years following Martin Luther’s 95 theses, Luther was shocked by much of what he saw. What followed were uprisings so brutal and bloody that Luther himself condemned the rebels in terms so hysterical that even his admirers were taken back.

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Centuries After Serving As Protestant Hub, Largest Swiss City Is Losing Its Faith

Zurich, Switzerland, a hub of the Protestant Reformation — where minister Ulrich Zwingli condoned the eating of sausages during Lent in defiance of the Catholic Church — is losing its faith. Less than half of Switzerland’s 8.7 million souls identify as Catholic or Protestant, according to government figures.

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