Posts tagged Donald Trump
The Third Party Fishing For Dissatisfied Christians

American third parties like the American Solidarity Party are enjoying a wave of interest this election as voters become more frustrated by the two-party system and choosing between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. In a political climate where Christians often find it impossible to cast a vote without compromising at least a few of their religious convictions, the ASP hopes to convince them that they can be the answer.

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White Christians Favor Trump, Other Religious Groups Lean Toward Biden

Many are tracking the way religious voters will vote in the upcoming election. Pew Research has published new data and analysis of these groups, noting that White Christians still lean toward Trump. They also offer analysis of the way religion has impacted past voting and approval ratings of President Trump.

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New Super PAC Begs Christians Not To Vote For Trump

Dubbed Not Our Faith, the PAC’s leaders include Billy Graham’s granddaughter Jerushah Duford and former aides and advisors from both sides of the aisle. The leaders of the PAC argued Thursday that Trump has denigrated the Christian faith and harmed migrants and refugees.

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Trump's daughter-in-law joins pastors in 'call to prayer' for president's recovery

On Sunday, President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump and his closest faith advisors hosted a prayer service on Facebook Live, praying for Trump, the First Lady and several White House, campaign officials and Senators who’ve recently tested positive with COVID-19. One pastor who attended last weekend’s Supreme Court nomination event that spread the virus says he was one of the few wearing a mask.

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'Catholic questions' ahead of the Biden-Trump presidential debate

(OPINION) The election season goes into hyperdrive with the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden that will take place Tuesday in Cleveland.

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Trump wants to allow churches to endorse political candidates: Why that’s a legal conundrum

(ANALYSIS) The repeal of the Johnson Amendment has become a cause celebre among the Christian right and President Trump campaigned on a promise to overturn it, but it’s more complicated than a simple executive order. And left-leaning religious groups are more likely to be politically involved than their right-leaning counterparts.

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Will Israel’s peace agreements bring religious freedom in the Middle East?

(OPINION) Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have announced major peace agreements with Israel, with Oman hinting it will join an agreement next, easing tensions and increasing economic opportunities in the Middle East. The peace agreements, with Israel promising not to annex the holy lands in Judea and Samaria, could mean not just long-elusive peace between Palestinians and Israelis but also increasing religious freedom across the region.

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Understanding the American Muslim Vote

The data reveals a surprisingly complex picture of a religious group that can feel pulled in opposite directions on issues of policy and partisanship, still seeking to find an identity in American politics. While American Muslims support the Democrats by a landslide, they don’t agree on many progressive policy priorities.

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Christian women are fighting immigrant family separations

These evangelical women say their faith called them to action to help end child-family separations of migrant families in immigration detention. The COVID-19 pandemic created an opportunity for some to engage with legislators in the nation’s capital via Zoom.

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RNC Recap: ISIS, criminal justice reform and Trump's nomination to 'God Bless the USA'

The Republican National Convention ended with a bang, literally, as fireworks lit up Washington to blasts of ‘God Bless America’ and ‘Hallelujah.’ President Trump talked about American exceptionalism and the God-given right to life of the unborn in his nomination speech. Franklin Graham, criminal justice reformer Alice Johnson, her life sentence in prison pardoned by Trump, and Carl and Marsha Mueller, whose daughter Kayla was killed by ISIS, also spoke.

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RNC Recap: On Second Night, Prayers for Jacob Blake, Focus on Religious Freedom

The second night of the Republican National Convention featured Billy Graham’s granddaughter Cissie Graham Lynch, a prisoner turned criminal justice reformer Jon Ponder, Pastor Norma Urrabazo of Las Vegas, former Covington Catholic high school student Nick Sandmann and First Lady Melania Trump.

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Biden's faith becomes a campaign issue as anti-Catholic attacks rise

(OPINION) During this time of cultural reckoning, some have tried to lump Catholic saints like St. Damien into the same category as treasonous Confederate generals. That has forced Republicans to come out as defenders of traditional Christian values, while Democrats get dangerously closer to socialism.

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Cornel West And Robert George Keep Asking Believers – Left And Right – To Be Tolerant

(OPINION) Cornel West of Harvard University and Robert George of Princeton are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, and remain both friends and intellectual rivals. They advocate for more understanding between liberals and conservatives.

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For America’s Reckoning, The Wisdom Of Tisha B’Av And Jewish Mourning

(OPINION) Tisha b’Av is a Jewish day of mourning to remember the destruction of Judaism’s First Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. The way this mourning is completed provides valuable insight on how to handle the problems of our country today.

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