Posts by Meagan Saliashvili
Orthodox Alaska Part 4: Will Blessed Olga Be The First Female Orthodox Saint Of North America?

Orthodox Christians in North America and around the world already are venerating the Alaskan matriarch for her care and concern for abused women.

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Orthodox Alaska Part 1: Once An Evangelical Church, This Alaska Parish Has Become An Orthodox Hub

While less than 1% of Americans identify as Orthodox Christians, 5% of Alaskans identified as Orthodox in 2014, according to Pew Research. And while the number of regular attendees at Eastern Orthodox churches in the U.S. has declined 14% from 2010 to 2020, the number of parishes grew 3% over the same decade, according to the latest data in the 2020 Census of Orthodox Christian Churches.

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Russian Invasion Reveals Fissures Among Orthodox Christians

Orthodox churches around the world are all preparing for Easter, a celebration of Christ defeating death, by reflecting on Judgment Day. Despite this relative unity in worship, the Orthodox schism between Moscow and Constantinople that broke open in 2019 is cracking further. What is good and what is evil in the war in Ukraine is far from agreed upon.

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Young Afghans speak out about rapidly changing life under the Taliban

Afghans in and outside the capital describe scenes of violence, deteriorating living conditions and shrinking personal freedoms amid the Taliban’s rise to power with the U.S. troop withdrawal set to complete on Aug. 31.

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‘My Unorthodox Life’ is a microcosm of America’s divide

(REVIEW) Netflix’s latest reality series about a highly successful businesswoman who left a strict Orthodox Jewish community is hilarious at times and binge-worthy but adds to the narrative that religion is oppressive. Meanwhile, Orthodox Judaism is attracting more young people in the U.S. than previous generations despite religion’s overall decline.

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Exclusive: Following Pushback, HarperCollins Will Not Produce ‘God Bless The USA’ Bible 

HarperCollins Christian Publishing Inc. and its publishing groups Zondervan and Thomas Nelson will not publish or manufacture the “God Bless the USA” Bible after a petition launched in response to Religion Unplugged’s reporting earlier this month. The Bible would have melded the New International Version Bible text with the U.S. founding documents and Pledge of Allegiance. Its Tennessee-based seller plans to print the Bible with a public domain translation instead.

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Exclusive: Zondervan, HarperCollins in talks to produce ‘God Bless the USA’ Bible that includes Constitution

The “God Bless the USA” Bible includes America’s founding documents in its last pages and lyrics to the popular song “God Bless the USA” that became the chorus of Trump rallies. It will ship to customers this September to mark 20 years after 9/11.

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An Unsung Hero From Brooklyn With An Ambitious Goal To Heal America  

He’s an evangelist, a DJ, a radio host, a newspaper publisher, a gun violence mediator, an immigration law facilitator and much more. An immigrant from Jamaica, Rev. Terry Lee is a hustling, innovative, inner city preacher, the kind of unsung ministerial hero who works tirelessly and like a renaissance man to advance the common good inside and outside his community. And this weekend, he’s going to the White House.

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New Super PAC Begs Christians Not To Vote For Trump

Dubbed Not Our Faith, the PAC’s leaders include Billy Graham’s granddaughter Jerushah Duford and former aides and advisors from both sides of the aisle. The leaders of the PAC argued Thursday that Trump has denigrated the Christian faith and harmed migrants and refugees.

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Like Uber for mosques, new website connects Muslims to Islamic services

As greater numbers of Muslims in the West seek Islamic communities outside local mosques, the new website Imam Connect aims to connect the so-called “unmosqued” to Islamic services they want, from match making to art lessons, counseling and funeral and wedding rituals.

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Q&A with Dr. Syra Madad, leader of coronavirus response in New York City

Dr. Syra Madad, the senior director for the System Wide Special Pathogens Program for New York City Health and Hospitals, has been on the front line preparing for pandemics before the novel coronavirus hit. Now she's a leader in the response to COVID-19 in New York. Religion Unplugged sat down on Zoom with Dr. Madad to talk about the role her Muslim faith and religion overall plays in her medical mission to fight the spread of disease.

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History Of ‘Church Of The Presidents’ Where Trump Posed With A Bible

St. John’s Episcopal Church, where Trump posed with a Bible on June 1, is known as the “Church of the Presidents.” Here are five facts about the historic church that you probably didn’t know, involving Abraham Lincoln, a marriage record of both enslaved and free African Americans, a presidential pew and more.

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The Evangelical PhD Student Convincing Christians To Care About Climate Change

While white evangelicals are the least likely religious group to view global warming as a crisis, there is a growing movement of evangelicals like Michelle Frazer who not only care about the impacts of climate change, but perhaps more significantly, are appealing to conservative Christians in ways that the secular, left-leaning environmental movement hasn’t.

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The COVID-19 'miracle' drug maker is named after Biblical balm

Gilead Sciences, which has raised hopes of a drug to treat coronavirus with some early signs of success in clinical trials, is named after an ancient salve used in Bible times.

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Quarantines Resurrect Church Attendance Just In Time For Easter

With a long-trending decline in the number of Americans who identify as Christian, stay-at-home orders are testing churches’ ability to maintain connections with followers or lose more of their flocks. During Holy Week, many churches report higher views online than can fit in their sanctuaries. Some are even hosting virtual activities like an Easter egg hunt to engage kids.

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LDS Church releases handbook long held secret, changes policies for LGBTQ people

The Mormon church has combined and updated its handbook, a portion of which had previously remained off-limits for lay members. Several changes relate to LGBTQ members, while the church remains firm in its support for only traditional marriage.

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Religion Unplugged's top stories of 2019

Since launching in February, the Religion Unplugged team has been thrilled with our readers’ responses. We’re also proud to have won an Editor & Publisher award in our first year for best culture and entertainment news for websites under 1 million monthly views. Thank you for reading!

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