Posts in Women
Why India is trying to criminalize instant divorce for Muslim men

A bill to ban triple talaq, or Islamic instant divorce, is creating controversy in India. The bill could be unconstitutional in two ways: it would criminalize only Muslim men for deserting their wives and it trumps so-called personal laws meant to provide religious freedom in civil matters like marriage.

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Vatican's soccer team had little choice but refuse to play in Austria

(COMMENTARY) The women’s soccer team representing the Vatican — yes, the Vatican has a women’s soccer team — canceled its planned international debut in Austria when sports, religion and politics made for a bad mix.

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Southern Baptists aren't doing enough for sexual abuse victims

(COMMENTARY) The Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting wrapped up Wednesday by taking an “action” against sexual abuse that is a way of distancing itself from churches that have mishandled sexual abuse instead of reaching out to victims.

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The nuns who built a monastery (but are famous for their bakery)

One nun acted as the church’s contractor and another the mechanical engineer to build this $2 million Greek Orthodox church and its surrounding monastery, including a popular bakery and coffee bar that locals and tourists drive more than 50 miles through Indian country to reach.

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Hans Nielsen Hauge: An Early Norwegian Entrepreneur Evangelist Revered From Oslo To Minnesota

Who could imagine that a Norwegian itinerant preacher and entrepreneur born in the 18th century would become a leadership model in modern business? 

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The bell that saved abandoned babies in the Middle Ages

(COMMENTARY) Foundling wheels or baby hatches were safe spaces for women to leave unwanted babies anonymously for the church to adopt and care for. The same principle could be replicated today.

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Viral tweets highlight the question: should women be pastors?

(COMMENTARY) Echoing papal pronouncements, a position paper and then a columnist of the Southern Baptist Convention’s seminary said that Jesus Christ appointed only male apostles. Evangelical author Beth Moore was one among many voices to push back on Twitter.

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'Death is a part of life' Christian author Rachel Held Evans wrote before passing

Evans, known for her progressive take on the faith, was only 37 when an infection quickly turned fatal. Her last blog post, about Lent and before she announced any illness, was a reminder that we will all return to dust.

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Burkini-wearing SI model draws ire from across the political spectrum

There’s one thing people on the left and right can agree on in this contentious political climate: showcasing a Muslim woman in a hijab and burkini in the pages of Sports Illustrated can be a controversial concept.

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A Jewish-Muslim legal duo is turning heads in New York City

Judge Noach Dear, an Orthodox Jew, and his court attorney Deema Azizi, a Syrian Muslim refugee, prefer to wear their religious garb - a yarmulke and hijab respectively. Their shared expressions for their faiths unites rather than divides them.

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Pam Mark Hall: the Christian music singer ostracized by divorce is back at it in her 60s

Hall’s divorce came before her contemporaries Amy Grant and Sandi Patty, whose careers didn’t suffer the same way. Now, Hall hopes to inspire others in her generation who feel anxious about reaching the end of their lives and accomplishments.

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New Film 'Unplanned' Tells Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson's Story

A new film tells Abby Johnson’s journey from being an award-winning director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas to becoming an outspoken pro-life advocate.

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'A Good Wife' is Samra Zafar's story of leaving an abusive marriage without leaving Islam

Zafar agreed to an arranged marriage at age 17, believing the man and his family that the move from Pakistan to Canada would give her more educational opportunities. She didn’t expect to become a prisoner in her own home.

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A look at the Roman Catholic 'Womenpriest' movement

The Roman Catholic Womenpriest (RCWP) movement began in 2002 when two Catholic male bishops ordained seven women. Those women, and the ones after, have continued to ordain women to the priesthood. There are currently 264 ordained women in the RCWP movement throughout the world.

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R Kelly’s path from Baptist choir boy to RnB legend to alleged child sex abuser

(ANALYSIS) A new documentary, Surviving R Kelly, focuses on allegations of Kelly’s sexual misconduct without exploring his departure from a religious upbringing.

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The African ‘Women’s Wave’ is powered by pro-choice Christian feminists

These African women’s activists say greater access to safe abortions will save women’s lives—and they believe that’s the most Christian response.

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In India, a battle for gender equality, religious freedom and votes

There’s a massive face-off in India over a Supreme Court order that allows women to enter a popular Hindu temple despite devotees’ belief that their eternally celibate god will be compromised.

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