Posts tagged hijab
Headscarf Ban At Paris Olympics Reflects A Narrow View Of National Identity

(ANALYSIS) The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris have sparked a discussion about whether female Muslim athletes who wear a headscarf should be allowed to compete. While the International Olympic Committee announced that athletes participating in the Paris Games can wear a hijab without any restriction, French athletes will be barred from wearing a hijab.

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India’s ‘Hijabi Performer’ Aims To Counter Hate Through Theater

When the south Indian state of Karnataka banned hijabs from public schools this year, theater and performance artist Sania Saifi thought about her own experience in school. When she was a student, her school in Delhi banned hijabs from 2013 to 2015.

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The Story Of Iran’s Struggle From An Iranian In Exile

(ANALYSIS) The mounting anger and dissatisfaction in Iran have translated into recurring protests in the country, which the state has suppressed with brute force. But despite the brutality of state crackdowns, over the years, the frequency of these protests has surged.

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Iranian Women Have Been Rebelling Since The 1979 Islamic Revolution

(ANALYSIS) Shouts of “death to the dictator” and “woman, life, freedom” are reverberating throughout the streets of Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, while in custody of the “morality police” in Tehran. These protests have been gaining increased momentum and international attention, giving many Iranians inside and outside of Iran some glimmers of hope.

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How India’s Religious Headwear Ban Affects Muslims And Not Hindus

On March 15 an Indian court upheld a state “hijab ban” that prevents Muslim girls from wearing the head covering at schools. The ruling could set a precedent for other states governed by the ruling Hindu-first Bharatiya Janata Party.

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Burkini-wearing SI model draws ire from across the political spectrum

There’s one thing people on the left and right can agree on in this contentious political climate: showcasing a Muslim woman in a hijab and burkini in the pages of Sports Illustrated can be a controversial concept.

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A Jewish-Muslim legal duo is turning heads in New York City

Judge Noach Dear, an Orthodox Jew, and his court attorney Deema Azizi, a Syrian Muslim refugee, prefer to wear their religious garb - a yarmulke and hijab respectively. Their shared expressions for their faiths unites rather than divides them.

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