The domestic mission agency of the Presbyterian Church in America has removed a webpage containing links to advice about how immigrants living in the U.S. illegally can avoid being detained by law enforcement authorities.
Read More(OPINION) Following an outcry that spilled over into the mainstream media (“David French” and “PCA” trended nationally on X for days), a David French panel on “how to be supportive of your pastor and church leaders in a polarized political year” at the PCA General Assembly was canceled. However, that doesn’t mean the story is over, or that it doesn’t have some lessons to teach.
Read MoreLast month, the Presbyterian Church in America, a conservative evangelical denomination founded in 1973, ordained its first teaching elder of Iranian descent who was raised in a Muslim family.
Read More(OPINION) It's hard to consider the Big Apple a truly "secular city" when considering the rising number of New Yorkers who are Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, Hindu and evangelical and Pentecostal in Latino, Black, Asian, White and interracial flocks.
Read More(OPINION) Only 1% of New York City was “evangelical” when Keller arrived in 1989, and homicides hit 2,245 during his first full year of ministry in the tense city. Yet there was a “cracking in the ice” as immigrants from a variety of faiths poured into the city’s boroughs. Soon, many new churches were born.
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