Posts tagged explainer
What ‘Conclave’ Didn’t Show You: Inside The Secret Process Of Electing A Pope

(EXPLAINER) You’ve seen the movie “Conclave” — but what does a real one look like? A papal conclave is one of the most unique and secretive processes in the world, bringing together cardinals who gather under intense pressure to choose a new pope. Unlike the film, the tradition is meant to ensure the election is conducted in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection.

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Inside The Growing Rift Between Canada And India Over Sikh Separatists

(EXPLAINER) Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegation last year that agents — acting on behalf of the Indian government — were connected to the assassination of a Sikh separatist leader near Vancouver sent relations between the nations spiraling. A year later, the rift has grown worse.

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Why Slava Matters In Orthodox Serbian Culture

(EXPLAINER) The Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates on Friday the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (known as Petrovdan in Serbian) in honor of their martyrdom in Rome. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is an important religious holiday for Orthodox Serbs. It marks the end of the Apostles’ Fast, which begins a week after Pentecost.

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How Alabama Supreme Court’s Ruling On Life Affects IVF

(EXPLAINER) The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) healthcare system announced that it was pausing all in vitro fertilization (IVF) fertility treatments. This pause is due to the perceived fear of prosecution and lawsuits in light of the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday, Feb. 16, stating that human beings in the embryonic stage have the same legal rights and protections as children who are born.

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Explainer: Why Incorruptibility Is Important To Catholics

(EXPLAINER) Thousands of people have spent the past few weeks waiting in line for hours in a small Missouri town to see a nun whose body has barely decomposed since she died in 2019 at age 95. Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster’s body was exhumed in April, according to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, in Gower, Missouri. What it all means is rooted in Catholic belief that something supernatural has taken place.

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