Posts tagged Christanity
Evangelical Giving Down 13% Since 2021

Giving is down among evangelical Christians, according to a new study by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research. The study — called “The Giving Gap: Changes in Evangelical Generosity” — found that 61% of evangelicals say they gave to their church in the last 12 months. That is down 13 percentage points from 2021, when 74% reported giving to their local congregation.

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Go Ahead And Vote For Trump, But Do It With Your Eyes Wide Open

(OPINION) As a GOP voter for as long as I can remember, I’m not discouraging you from voting Republican. Not in the least. And as a two-time Trump voter, I’m not discouraging you from voting for Trump. That is not my intent at all, as I personally plan to continue to vote GOP. Instead, I’m urging each of you Christian conservatives who votes for Trump and the GOP to do so with your eyes wide open recognizing that the GOP is not God’s party.

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