Posts tagged Generosity
Evangelical Giving Down 13% Since 2021

Giving is down among evangelical Christians, according to a new study by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research. The study — called “The Giving Gap: Changes in Evangelical Generosity” — found that 61% of evangelicals say they gave to their church in the last 12 months. That is down 13 percentage points from 2021, when 74% reported giving to their local congregation.

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What Do Your Tax Returns Say About Your Generosity?

(OPINION) Tax returns sadly say most American Christians are ungenerous, typically giving only 1.5% to 2% of their income according to an Oxford University Press book. It’s not that Christians don’t have the money but that they spend it on luxuries — with little leftover to give — while failing to perceive needs outside their own circles.

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Barna Report Newly Raises An Old Question: How Should We Tithe?

A recent report by Barna Group has Christians revisiting the meaning of the traditional tithe. “Revisiting the Tithe & Offering,” produced in partnership with Generis and Gloo, is the latest release in “The State of Generosity” series and is the culmination of collected data after surveying 2,016 U.S. adults last November.

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