Posts tagged Brian Bromberger
‘God Gave Rock and Roll to You’: Tracing The Roots Of Contemporary Christian Rock

The history of the soundtrack of American evangelical culture is profiled in the new book, “God Gave Rock & Roll to You: A History of Contemporary Christian Music” by Leah Payne, Associate Professor of American Religious History at Portland Seminary. Payne, as a Pentecostal pastor’s daughter in a working-class town in rural Oregon, grew up with this music and later married an aspiring CCM artist.

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‘1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture’ Tries To Shed Light On The Bible

(ANALYSIS) The title, “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture,” summarizes well this feature documentary, which argues how the misuse of a single word forever changed the course of history. Two researchers trace the origins of a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946 when the Revised Standard Version committee that two poorly understood and rarely-used Greek words would be combined and translated as homosexual.

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A Look Back At ‘The Philadelphia Eleven’: A Profile In Courage And Change

At the time when women were first ordained in the Episcopal Church in the 1970s, it was considered the most critical event in the denomination’s history since its founding by English King Henry VIII when he broke away from Catholicism. Women’s equality in the church had been building for decades.

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Sierra Pacific synod Bishop-Elect Talks About The ELCA’s Future And ‘rebuilding trust’

Johnson made ELCA history when he was elected on the fifth ballot to serve a six-year term as bishop of ELCA’s Sierra Pacific synod, which includes Northern and Central California and Northern Nevada. As a result, Johnson is the first openly gay man to be elected bishop in the synod.

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‘Not A Tame Lion’ Highlights The Life And Legacy Of Christian Historian John Boswell

Since his death in 1994, the gay Yale historian’s significance has continued to rise, both in academic and wider cultural circles. So it is not surprising that a documentary entitled “Not A Tame Lion” has been produced about his life and impact by filmmakers Craig Bettendorf and Kai Morgan.

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