Posts tagged Donald Trump
Two Insiders' Writings Should Be Weighed Carefully By Evangelical-Watchers In The Press

(OPINION) As U.S. Protestant evangelicalism copes with internal divisions and problematic status in the broader society, along with the usual brickbats from the left, nonpartisan journalists and evangelical strategists alike should carefully monitor the thinking of knowledgeable insiders who are not wedded to customary loyalties and assumptions.

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Prominent Christian Leaders And Groups Face Reckoning Over Praise for Putin

For the past century, America’s conservative Christians and politicians were united in the belief that the communist USSR — and later, Russia — was anti-American, anti-God and a threat to the world. But recently, some Christian nonprofits have consistently praised Russia as a global beacon of hope for families and the survival of Christianity.

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What Ails American Evangelicalism And Where Is This Movement Headed?

(OPINION) We’re at the publicity apex for what David Brooks — and movement outsiders and insiders — is calling a “crisis” for this conservative Protestant movement. In recent months, The Guy has, less elegantly, pondered a “crack-up.”

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Is America As Divided As Ever And Are Christians Making It Worse?

(OPINION) The start of 2022 has brought many conversations and books that talk about America being led to another Civil War. Americans are more divided than they were during the first civil war, David French, a political and Christian conservative, explains.

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Data on TV Viewership Shows White Evangelicals Love Fox News, Muslims and Hindus Watch CNN

(ANALYSIS) Recent polls comparing the news habits of Americans with their faith revealed interesting results, including that White evangelicals regularly watch Fox News, and Muslims and Hindus prefer CNN.

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Are we all evangelicals now? How the term has grown to blur theology and ideology

The term “evangelical” has broken away from its roots as a sub-genre of Protestant theology and has now morphed into a social, cultural and political term that stretches far beyond the boundaries of Christianity. In fact, the term “evangelical” is now being embraced by religious groups that do not believe in any of the tenets of an orthodox evangelicalism.

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How evangelical media ministry Focus on the Family fueled lies and insurrectionists

(ANALYSIS) In the months since the election, the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family has regularly provided election skeptics with plentiful ammunition and has embraced men and women in Congress who voted to overturn state election results. Meanwhile, Focus’s partner organization in Washington, D.C., the Family Research Council, continues to claim the election was stolen, and that Antifa—not Trump supporters—may have caused the Capitol attack on Jan. 6.

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New congressman, a Christian and former Trump doctor, reflects on Capitol riot

'A fight or flight kind of thing kicks in,' Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, says of his Jan. 6 experience.

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Mike Lindell Falsely Claims New Election Fraud ‘Proof’ on the Eric Metaxas Show

Mike Lindell, MyPillow CEO and now-popular Trump supporter, appeared on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show to discuss more “proof” he’d discovered about widespread election fraud. “God’s got his hand in all of this,” he said.

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Flags, Faith and Fury: Christian Nationalism On Display In U.S. Capitol Riot

As thousands rallied in Washington to support President Donald Trump’s unproven claim of a stolen election — a protest that turned deadly as an insurrectionist mob stormed the U.S. Capitol — many carried signs and flags linking the Republican political leader to their Christian faith.

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The Growing Divide Within American Evangelicalism

New survey data shows white evangelicals hold very different political views (like believing Donald Trump won the 2020 election) than the so-called evangelical elite that includes evangelical leaders like best-selling Bible study author Beth Moore. The result is the loudest evangelical voices are like generals without an army.

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Trump-Supporting ‘Jericho March’ Ends In Protest, Burning Of BLM Banners

This weekend, thousands of Trump supporters gathered in Washington D.C. for the Jericho March, part of a campaign to expose voter fraud and ensure a second Trump term. The event included several conservative Christian speakers and ended in protests throughout the city.

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The Religious Life of Reality Winner, the Gen Z whistleblower who exposed Russian interference in U.S. elections

Reality Winner was arrested in 2017 for leaking a five-page NSA report about Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Today, Winner hopes for a judge to give her “compassionate release” before she completes her sentence. A vocal group of supporters are active on Twitter daily to promote her name and story, highlighting the times her religious personal items have been taken away in jail.

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The Charismatic Christians prophesying Trump's victory (and not backing down)

The possibility of President Trump winning a second term is looking dimmer and dimmer as election results show President-Elect Joe Biden eking out a victory even in traditionally GOP states such as Arizona and Georgia. But these modern-day prophets aren’t taking no for an answer.

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How Biden’s Win Could Be a Gift for Evangelicals

(OPINION) Joe Biden’s apparent win may presage some dark days for evangelicals on policy issues, but it also frees them from an entanglement that has been interfering with Christians’ primary assignment—to preach a spiritual gospel, not a political one.

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