Posts tagged Ross Douthat
New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat’s Remarkable Case For Religious Faith

An original aspect of “Believe” is Douthat’s suggestions about how to pick a path among so many faith options. He proposes that quests focus on tried-and-true religions that attract the most adherents, in order of size, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. (Judaism, far smaller, broadly fits the Christian outlook). That’s a notably open-minded approach coming from Zondervan, an evangelical publisher.

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Why the Catholic press and columnist Ross Douthat remain essential reading

(ANALYSIS) I have found it healthy and important to watch Fox News and read The New York Times. Both are highly influential in their respective partisan bubbles. Both impact the world around us, for better or worse, and that’s of great importance in a world were journalistic objectivity is a relic of a pre-internet world.

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News Hooks Abound: How Will Religious Faith Shape The ‘Birth Dearth,’ And Vice Versa?

(OPINION) This is an apt time for media to consider U.S.-focused big-think pieces on how religious communities are shaping population trends and, vice versa, how those trends affect religion.

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Could Hispanic Americans, Protestants Especially, Shape The ’22 And ’24 Elections?

(OPINION) The 2020 election was a landmark for the Hispanic American community with an estimated 16.6 million voters, a record proportion of the electorate. But columnists on the left and right have noted that President Joe Biden and his party have lost some of the more culturally conservative Latinos that were among former President Barack Obama’s coalition.

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Is America As Divided As Ever And Are Christians Making It Worse?

(OPINION) The start of 2022 has brought many conversations and books that talk about America being led to another Civil War. Americans are more divided than they were during the first civil war, David French, a political and Christian conservative, explains.

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And now a word from Oprah, the pope (and president?) of America's 'nones'

Is Oprah the "pope" of the religiously unaffiliated? If that label fits anyone, it would be Winfrey. "She talks about God, but for Oprah that can almost be the God of the week, the spiritual flavor of the week. … How she talks about spirituality and about truth is constantly changing. That's her gift. That's who she is. For her, that stuff will preach."

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