Posts tagged Wall Street Journal
📰 Is A Pulitzer Winner’s Move From The WSJ To A Catholic Paper Surprising? Not Overly 🔌

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist is leaving the Wall Street Journal for the National Catholic Reporter. Why this is a surprise — and why it's not.

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Whenever Donald Trump Era Ends, What Will America’s Religion Landscape Look Like?

(OPINION) Despite what some conservatives think, former President Donald Trump maintains a huge sway over a large segment of the U.S. electorate. What that means for religion in the United States, once the Trump years come to an end, remains to be seen.

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Was Jesus A Socialist? Concerning The 'Rich Young Ruler' And Modern Economics

(OPINION) Both the Hebrew Scriptures — Christians’ “Old Testament” — and the New Testament are full of admonitions that believers in God insofar as able must help the poor and needy. However, that does not necessarily tie Jesus to socialism, since believers can practice charity in a capitalist context just as readily, if not more so.

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What Ails American Evangelicalism And Where Is This Movement Headed?

(OPINION) We’re at the publicity apex for what David Brooks — and movement outsiders and insiders — is calling a “crisis” for this conservative Protestant movement. In recent months, The Guy has, less elegantly, pondered a “crack-up.”

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Do These Issues Matter? Trump Utters Religious Slur While Harris Underlines Biden's Catholic Questions

(OPINION) The campaigns leading up to the 2020 election are fraught with religious issues. Many—including President Trump—have criticized Joe Biden’s Catholicism. Journalists should look to Catholics for predictions of election outcomes.

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Muslim leaders are conspicuously silent on China’s persecution of their fellow believers

(OPINION) Global concern about the plight of Muslims in China has increased as reports have detailed the government’s cruelty. Not so, however, among Muslim leaders of other countries.

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ANALYSIS: Once again, Charlie Hebdo Takes Aim at Violent Islamists, This Time in Spain

A handful of American mainstream news outlets have picked up the story, but unlike their European counterparts, they chose not to reprint the cartoon.

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