Posts in hinduism
Division Among India’s Political Parties Threatens To Dilute Opposition To Modi

India’s opposition has made significant strides to garner support as they recently banded together against the Hindu nationalist Modi government, but could possible in-fighting may dull their efforts ahead of next year’s elections?  

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Kashmiri Rappers Unmask Pain And Strength Through Music

The journey of Kashmiri rappers began with a desire to be heard. With each rhyme, they found solace and empowerment, creating a path for future generations to follow. The verses of Kashmiri rappers unmask the harsh realities of their homeland, shedding light on the pain and resilience of its people. Their lyrics become a mirror, reflecting the struggles and aspirations of a generation yearning for peace.

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India Could Be Renamed ‘Bharat’: A History Of The Word And Its Hindu Ties

(EXPLAINER) The Modi-led government is likely to bring a resolution for changing India’s official name during the special session of Parliament that’s scheduled for Sept. 18. Critics of the move have said the name change is in line with Modi’s Hindu nationalist messaging, while also stripping the country of names tied to colonialism.

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Watch: Ethnic Clash or Targeted Violence? Questions and Deaths In India’s Manipur State

(VIDEO) A wave of violence started in Manipur state, situated in the northeastern part of India, on May 3, 2023, leading to the death of more than 140 people and the destruction of over 6,000 homes and 400 churches. The conflict has also resulted in a viral video of two women being stripped naked, paraded through a rural area and allegedly gang-raped.

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After So Many Miracles, Why Isn't Indiana Jones A Believer?

(OPINION) In the new film, Jones confesses: "I don't believe in magic, but a few times in my life I've seen things, things I can't explain." But after a life wrestling with sacred mysteries, he concludes: "It's not so much what you believe. It's about how hard you believe it."

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Religious Liter-AI-cy: An Interview With ChatGPT On Eastern Religions And Yoga Part 3

This week on our Talking to Tech series, we interviewed ChatGPT on some of the Eastern religions. Like last time, the aim of the interview was to compare and contrast the core tenets and practices of each one. ChatGPT also shared a few of its “thoughts” on yoga and how it related to Hinduism.

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Weaponization of Hindu Festivals: A Catalyst For Anti-Muslim Violence In India

The celebration of a Hindu festival, Ram Navami, which marks the birth of Lord Ram, was tarnished by violence in late March across 10 Indian states, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Delhi and West Bengal. It’s this kind of religious violence and intolerance that belied the surface of diplomatic talks between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his state visit to Washington.

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Hindus for Human Rights Director Questions Modi’s State Visit to the United States

Nikhil Mandalaparthy is the advocacy director with Hindus for Human Rights, a human rights nonprofit that advocates for pluralism and civil and human rights in South Asia and North America. He spoke with Jody Hassett Sanchez in Washington during Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s state visit.

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The Unique Celebration Of Nyepi In Bali: Total Silence And Rituals For Balance

(PHOTO STORY) On Nyepi, which is the most special day of the year in the Balinese Saka Calendar, the island of Bali turns off all lights and sounds, stops all traffic, renounces all worldly activities, and meditates while silence and serenity reign over the entire island.

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Religious Liter-AI-cy Part 2: An Interview With Alexa, Amazon’s AI

(Religious Liter-AI-cy): In comparison with Siri, Alexa’s answers were very winsome and detail oriented. She elaborates more on the answers to the questions asked, often without making a reference to a specific web source, making the interview more seamless and in depth. Alexa seems more intelligent and, dare I say, personal.

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The Broken: ‘Dalit’ Sikhs Fight Back Against Land Discrimination In Punjab

The caste system's historical legacy has prohibited dalits from owning land nationwide, and this pattern remains prominent in India's Sikh-majority state of Punjab, which has a population of about 30 million.

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Documentary On PM Modi's Alleged Role In Gujarat Riots Spurs Outrage, Discussions Abroad

Earlier this month, the two-part BBC documentary “The Modi Question” was screened at  Columbia University's Journalism School and Harvard University's Graduate School of Design, among others. In its most recent attempts at stifling dissent, the Indian government banned the documentary. At Columbia University, the screening was followed by a panel discussion led by progressive academics, Indian activists and journalists.

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Why Hinduism Is Being Molded Into A Monotheistic Religion Like Islam And Christianity

(OPINION) Politically, rallying Hindus around one overarching religious figure has been a key component of the BJP’s strategy to create a new pan-Hindu identity that transcends its myriad traditions and caste hierarchies, which are considered a roadblock to Hindu political unity. 

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University Students Challenge Ban on BBC Documentary on Indian PM Narendra Modi

The documentary, titled “India: The Modi Question,” was initially aired in the U.K,  but soon after, video clips started spreading on social media platforms in India, which led the Indian government to ban the documentary. But student organizations in India have been organizing screenings of the BBC documentary in numerous campuses across the nation to protest the censorship imposed by the government.

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How India’s Religious Headwear Ban Affects Muslims And Not Hindus

On March 15 an Indian court upheld a state “hijab ban” that prevents Muslim girls from wearing the head covering at schools. The ruling could set a precedent for other states governed by the ruling Hindu-first Bharatiya Janata Party.

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Indian Muslim Artist Seeks To Reinvent Syncretic Spaces

Syed Ali Sarvat Jafri lives near Ayodhya, the Indian city that witnessed violent intercommunal rioting after Hindu nationalists tore down a 16th century mosque. Jafri aims to spark conversations about history, memory and heritage-preservation through his art, which draws on his ancestral legacy of blending Hinduism and Sufism in poetry.

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Let’s Not Forget These 6 Big International Religion Stories In 2022 

Of the 7.6 billion people on Earth, 2.4 billion identify as Christian, 1.9 billion as Muslim, 1.2 billion as Hindu and more than 500 million as Buddhist. Those are just the four largest religions. In other words, 310 million in the U.S. do not necessarily constitute the epicenter for all religion in the world. If anything, religion in America is a unique outlier.

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