Posts by Surabhi Singh
Watch: 2002 Shadows of Religious Violence In India Lingers for Muslim Victims

Khairunissa, along with her siblings and parents, spent years living in a multi-religious and multicultural apartment in Gujarat state’s Ahmedabad city. When communal tensions and targeted violence against Muslims erupted in the Indian city on Feb. 28, 2002, her family initially felt secure, confident that their neighbors would be able to protect them.

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The Broken: ‘Dalit’ Sikhs Fight Back Against Land Discrimination In Punjab

The caste system's historical legacy has prohibited dalits from owning land nationwide, and this pattern remains prominent in India's Sikh-majority state of Punjab, which has a population of about 30 million.

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Video Documentary: India’s Sikhs Aim To Curb Substance Abuse In Punjab State

In Sikhism, a religion which originated in India about 500 years ago, unhealthy attachment is considered one of the five biggest sins. Therefore, alcoholism and drug addiction are discouraged. Despite this, the northern Indian state of Punjab, home to 16 million Sikhs, has struggled with substance abuse for decades.

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