Posts in Society
How AI Is Redefining Death, Memory And Immortality

(ANALYSIS) Imagine attending a funeral where the person who has died speaks directly to you, answering your questions and sharing memories. This happened at the funeral of Marina Smith, a Holocaust educator who died in 2022.

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Do Atheism And Trans Rights Movements Owe A Big Debt To Jesus?

(OPINION) Some of historian Tom Holland’s insights are surprising, including his contention that modern developments — including the transgender rights movement and a recent spike in atheism — probably wouldn’t exist were it not for the West’s Christian philosophical and moral foundations.

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Iranians Punished With Longer Prison Sentences For Practicing Christianity

Christians in Iran were sentenced to a combined total of over 250 years in prison last year — a sixfold increase compared to 2023, according to a new report. In all, 96 Christians were sentenced to a combined 263 years behind bars in 2024. That’s compared to 22 Christians sentenced to 43½ years in 2023.

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In Kenya, Churches Make The Case For Sign Language Interpreters During Services

In one Kenyan church, most of the congregants were deaf, as were the choristers and choirmaster. The singing was muted — only lips moved, while bodies swayed with swan-like grace — while hands waved to the delightful rhythm of the drum beats. Even the minister, the Rev. George Obonyo, is deaf.

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Why The World’s Only Prison For Catholic Priests Was In Franco’s Spain

(ANALYSIS) The Catholic Church was one of the social and ideological pillars of Francoism from the moment of the coup, as evidenced by the ‘Collective letter of all Spanish bishops’, made public July 1, 1937 to support a movement that “has strengthened the sense of homeland” and “has guaranteed order in the territory.” The same regime that was born out of a “crusade” with the purpose of shielding the power and traditional privileges of the church, ended up creating a prison to imprison priests critical of power.

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Is Czechia Slowly Dying Because Of Declining Faith And Family?

Czechia, known until recently as the Czech Republic following its split from Slovakia, is a stark contrast to many countries where religion shapes societal norms and family structures. Czechia used to be predominantly Catholic, but has undergone a dramatic secularization, leaving many with the question of what institution or institutions the Eastern European nation is built upon. 

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Crossroads Podcast: Religion And The Plight Of Unmarried Young Adults

(ANALYSIS) Journalists frequently cover important news stories, but miss key facts and themes that — for half of America, or thereabouts — are linked to morality or religion. Thus, these stories are haunted by “religion ghosts.”

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‘Squid Game’ Season 2 Highlights The Popularity Of Korean Shamanism

The second season of the global streaming sensation “Squid Game” introduced viewers to several new characters. One of the most intriguing has been Player 044 due to her strong religious beliefs. Player 044 is a shaman whose role was to curse others and deliver prophecies as the players moved from one deadly game to another.

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Why ‘Nosferatu’ Represents A Hollow Love Letter To Pre-Modern Enchantment

“Nosferatu” shares many of the strengths of the rest of Robert Eggers' work. The filmmaking craft on display is undeniable. The camera lingers on the screen away from showing all of Nosferatu almost as if the camera itself is scared of him. The production design completely transports you into the world of the 18th century. Nonetheless, this is a film that has issues.

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What Does The Future Hold For Christians In Syria Under HTS?

(ANALYSIS) Syria’s sudden shift in leadership has introduced the Islamist world’s rising star: Syrian rebel leader Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani, the leader of HTS. Despite Jawlani’s soft-spoken promises of peace and prosperity, his history is both alarming and ominous.

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Can A Lack Of Religion Be A Recipe For Loneliness?

(ANALYSIS) Among folks who earned no more than a high school diploma, the share who never attend church is about 58%, while those who attend once a month is much lower at 22%. To me, there’s a clear line of demarcation in the graph between those who attended college but didn’t earn a degree and those who obtained an associates degree.

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On Religion: The Top 10 National Faith Stories Of 2024

(ANALYSIS) President Donald Trump is returning to the White House, convinced — after a close encounter with an assassin's bullet — that he had God on his side in the election. While opinions differed on that theological question, Trump drew support from voters that frequented pews. Members of Religion News Association selected the presidential election as the year's top national religion story.

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Hanukkah Starts On Christmas Day: Why That’s A Rare Event

(EXPLAINER) Hanukkah — known as “the festival of lights” — is a time of reflection and celebration for Jews across the world. Typically, the miracle of Hanukkah is celebrated in early to mid-December. Not this year. This holiday season, the start of Hanukkah coincides with Christmas Day. The eight-day celebration begins on Dec. 25 and continues into the new year.

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Why Attending Church May Actually Be Good For Your Health

Eating fruits and vegetables, exercise and going to church. What do all these things have in common? They are all good for your health. That’s according to a recent report by the U.K.-based National Churches Trust. In fact, the report said that church attendance — and the many services these houses of worship provide — saves the National Health Service approximately $1.1 billion each year.  

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Faith Voters, Men, Women And The Gender Identity Debate

(ANALYSIS) In the 2024 presidential election campaign there were hundreds of millions of dollars spent on advertising to convince voters to back either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. But there was one spot that ran on television in a seeming loop.

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Crossroads Podcast: Will It Be Safe This Christmas For Syria’s Christians?

(ANALYSIS) Anyone who is interested in the roots of Christian history is familiar with the following, drawn from the 11th chapter of Acts. Where is Antioch today? That biblical city now known as Antakya, located on the Orontes River about 12 miles from the Syrian border. The history of the church in Antioch was at the heart of the news in this week’s “Crossroads” podcast.

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New Global Pew Survey Shows Rising Religious Intolerance

While the global median score on the Government Restrictions Index (based on several factors) held steady in 2022 at 3.0 out of 10, the number of countries with “high” or “very high” levels of government religious restrictions rose to 59, which accounts for 30% of the 198 countries and territories Pew Research Center studied.

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On Religion: Life lessons Woven Into ‘A Christmas Story’

Americans who watch this 1983 family comedy — about 40 million watch the 24-hour marathon on TBS and TNT starting on Christmas Eve — know that it centers on a boy named Ralphie who is obsessed with a 200-shot Red Ryder air rifle BB gun. But another iconic image is the leg-shaped lamp, wearing a fishnet stocking, that Ralphie's Old Man received as his “major award” after winning a contest. What was that all about?

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This Big Question This Season: Is ‘Die Hard’ Really A Christmas Movie?

(ANALYSIS) There’s no way around the question this time of the year, so I will offer my take on the annual holiday controversy. “Die Hard” is not a “Christmas movie.”

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How Christmas Movies Have Dramatically Changed Over The Last 20 Years

(ANALYSIS) Changes in the film industry, and the changing demographics of family life in America, mean we’re likely to see a more movies in the future that are focused on faith. You might say the future of Christmas films is very much faith-based. One of the most fascinating things is the collapse of the Christmas movie and the rise of the faith-based genre happened around the same time.

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