Posts in Opinion
Why ‘The Waltons,’ The Classic TV Show That Just Turned 50, Wasn’t Afraid Of Religion

This week’s Weekend Plug-in opens with the 50th anniversary of “The Waltons,” a family drama that incorporated religious stories when the TV networks tended to avoid them. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Following RZIM’s Money, And What’s Going On At American Bible Society?

(ANALYSIS) With Lighten Group and RZIM shut down, important questions remain unanswered. First, how much money went from RZIM to Lighten Group? How was that money spent? How much remains? Meanwhile, American Bible Society has been plagued with turmoil for years. The organization has had five presidents in the past 10 years.

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The Quiet, Yet Public, Faith Of Elizabeth II

(OPINION) While the queen delivered thousands of public addresses, her Christmas talks — surrounded by family pictures and holiday decorations — were the occasions when she most openly discussed her faith and the challenges facing the nation and even her own family.

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Is Celebrity Culture Eroding American Evangelicalism? This Publishing Insider Says Yes

(OPINION) Author Katelyn Beaty’s new book “Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits are Hurting the Church” diagnoses a problem that’s pretty much absent in mainline Protestantism, Black Protestantism (there are some glaring exceptions in the health-and-wealth world), Catholicism and other U.S. religious bodies. Why is celebrity culture so magnified in White evangelicalism?

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Why The British Monarchy Survives Against The Odds

(OPINION) Britain’s monarchy stands as the world’s only remaining state religious institution. The coronation is more than “mainly a religious ceremony” according to the BBC’s anchor on Saturday, as if that remaindered it for everyone not religious. It is a symbol among much else of the world’s oldest and only global narrative: God’s story.

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Writer Says Christian Political Ethics Have Flipped Upside Down

(OPINION) The Scriptures are far more specific about biblical virtues than about biblical justice. The doing of justice — David French calls it the “what” of politics or the specific policies Christians support — can evolve differently in different countries at different times. But the “how” of politics doesn’t evolve at all. The how requires genuine kindness and humility in all places at all times.

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5 Facts About Religion In The Life Of Queen Elizabeth II, Who Served Jesus Her King

This week’s Weekend Plug-in explores religion in the life of Queen Elizabeth II, the 96-year-old monarch who died after 70 years on the throne. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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One Year After Withdrawal, Afghanistan Christians Are In Hiding Or On The Run

(OPINION) Since the Taliban assumed control in Afghanistan, it has slipped more deeply into a humanitarian crisis, exacerbated by a tanking economy, skyrocketing poverty and widespread unemployment. The Taliban’s ideology and system of government solidifies their view that non-Muslims are disloyal enemies and infidels, which the Taliban use to justify killing and violence.

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What Will American Protestantism Look Like After The Wars Inside the ‘Seven Sisters’ Are Done?

(OPINION) A balanced coalition of leaders in the large United Methodist Church developed a treaty for mutually respectful separation that’s currently degenerating into a wasteful fight like other groups have suffered. The current maneuvers by the North American UMC establishment may well limit the number of dropouts joining the Global Methodist Church.

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The Faith Questions That Haunted The Life Of Gorbachev

(OPINION) It isn’t every day that one of the creators of a political thriller gets to ask its real-life protagonist to evaluate the novel’s plot. But that happened when the late Billy Wireman, president of Queens University in Charlotte, North Carolina, handed the last Soviet Union leader a copy of “The Secret Diary of Mikhail Gorbachev.”

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Endangered Afghans Continue to Run For Their Lives — A Year After Biden’s Abrupt Withdrawal

(OPINION) President Biden’s refusal to pursue a calculated diplomatic and military procedure for the U.S. departure inspired the Taliban’s terrorist leaders, who immediately seized lethal power over Afghanistan’s hapless, hopeless population. Today, Afghanistan is the world’s No. 1 worst persecutor of Christians.

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Will Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Overlook Black Churches For Secular Organizations?

(ANALYSIS) This month President Joe Biden signed a new bill into law, the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at lowering the deficit, reducing inflation, knocking down prescription medicine prices, taxing the profits of large corporations and significantly addressing climate change. At first glance, this legislation does not immediately appear to be a law that intersects much with religious freedom. Yet there are surprising connections worth considering.

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Is Nashville The Center Of The Religion News Universe? For Today, Let's Say So

This week’s Weekend Plug-in starts in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s the capital of the country music universe. But it’s also sometimes called “the buckle of the Bible Belt.” Also, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Salman Rushdie And The Wider Effects Of Blasphemy Accusations

(OPINION) The Aug. 12 stabbing of author Salman Rushdie was a vivid reminder that threats that we had thought were fading are still with us and are even growing. But we often misunderstand those threats, and this distorts our understanding of the dangers of blasphemy accusations.

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Once Again, An ‘Act Of God’ Leaves Us With More Questions Than Answers

(OPINION) The cosmos is complex beyond our imagination. We can’t understand the wonders going on beneath our own skin, much less in the vast heavens. How complex, then, must be the God who created all that? As St. Augustine famously observed, if you can understand it, it’s not God.

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A Religion, Academic And Business Story: Is There A ‘Best’ Bible To Use And Quote?

(OPINION) The two aspects of accuracy is experts’ consensus on the best available texts in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek that underlie all translations, and debates over the accuracy of the English translations drawn from those reliable agreed texts. Modern English Bibles provide candid footnotes that alert readers to important textual variants, which rarely affect basic biblical doctrines.

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A Mennonite Minister Suggests We Act As If What Jesus Said And Did Mattered

(OPINION) For the Rev. Duane Beachey, the central miracle of the early church was its willingness to abolish racial barriers. Too often, Beachey said, although Christians “claim to take the Bible quite literally from Genesis to Revelation, they don’t take the words of Jesus literally most of the time.”

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Why Faith Matters To America: We Talk To The Author Of An Insightful New Book

This week’s Weekend Plug-in summary opens with an interview with Bob Smietana, author of the new book “Reorganized Religion.” Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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We Must Condemn Abuse Of Religion Or Belief As Tool Of Discrimination And Violence

(OPINION) The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief is a day designated by the U.N. to combat intolerance, discrimination and violence against persons based on religion or belief. Over the recent years, we have witnessed several cases of the most egregious atrocities where religion or belief have been abused as a tool of discrimination and violence resulting in atrocities.

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