Posts by Paul Marshall
Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong Awarded Kuyper Prize For Lifetime Of Evangelism

(ANALYSIS) The Rev. Stephen Tong is a polymath and multitalented person whose stunning range of activities remain firmly and deeply rooted in his Christian faith. He is perhaps most alive in his preaching, which consistently challenges his hearers to follow Jesus Christ to the point of death. This remarkable man  is now 85 and rather than slowing down, he asks for prayer that he might live until at least the age of 90 so that he can complete a series of Farewell Gospel Rallies worldwide.

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Samuel Paty’s Beheading: The Limits Of Speech And Religion

Much of France is focused on the trial of eight people stemming from the 2020 beheading of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty by Abdoullah Anzorov, an 18-year-old Muslim immigrant from Chechnya. Anzorov is not on trial since he was shot dead by police after his butchery. The focus now is on those who encouraged and enabled him. This raises difficult questions about legal limits on speech, especially where religion is concerned.

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In Time For #RedWednesday, New Report Details Christian Persecution In Europe

(ANALYSIS) In 2023, 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes were documented in 35 European countries. This included 232 personal attacks, such as harassment, threats and physical violence. At least 2,000 Christian places of worship were damaged. Attacks took place throughout the continent, including Germany, the United Kingdom and especially France.

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The Focus On ‘Religious Freedom For All’ And The Main Sources Of Persecution

(REVIEW) Most people working in recent decades in America’s growing movement for international religious freedom are little-known except by those personally involved activists and academics. One whose name and work has generally not been recognized outside these circles is Knox Thames. This is principally because he has worked close to the heart of things, usually in government circles.

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A Look Back In Time To Japan’s Forgotten 19th Century Martyrs

(ESSAY) In one theme of this summer's travels, the history of Japanese Christianity, I found a different issue. This is the ignorance not only amongst foreigners but also amongst Japanese themselves of that history, particularly the long history of persecution. Some of this, especially the dire persecutions of the early seventeenth century, is better known through Shusako Endo's gripping 1966 novel “Silence.”

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France’s Olympic Hijab Ban Violates International Law And Exacerbates Tensions

(ANALYSIS) Sadly, France has barred its athletes from wearing a hijab while taking part in the Paris-based Olympic and Para-Olympic games. In so doing it continues its radical campaign to ban religion from anything other than the most private matters. This ban does not apply to athletes from other countries, and many women participants from the Muslim world will have still their heads covered, even though their own country, unlike France, might not require it.

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How Soccer Reveals Different Meanings Of ‘Secular’ In France And The US

(ANALYSIS) Because of concerns to preserve the country's cramped view of "secularism," French authorities are denying Muslim soccer players accommodation for their religiously required Ramadan fasting. This reveals very different understandings of what is meant by the term "secular" and thereby the very meaning of the now much debated "secular state.”

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Truncates Religion

This decision, Catholic Charities v. Wisconsin Labor & Industry Review Commission, might at first glance seem to be yet another boring administrative matter. That’s far from being the case. In fact, the outcome raises the bar for all religions to show that their charity arms deserve such exemptions in the state.

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Is There A New Strongman Leading The World’s Largest Muslim-Majority Nation?

(ANALYSIS) The Feb. 14 election of Indonesia's current Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto as the country’s president should raise concern in the U.S., both because of who he is and also the chicanery surrounding his campaign. Official results will still take some weeks to appear and there are allegations of election fraud.

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UK’s Asylum Policy: How To Handle Refugees Who Claim To Be Christian Converts

(ANALYSIS) No doubt there are those who falsely claim conversion from Islam to claim asylum, and some churches may be too credulous. But such conversions are occurring and such genuine converts face violence, imprisonment and even death if returned back to many countries.

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Confucianism And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

(ANALYSIS) Dec. 10 marks the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the most widely agreed global standard for protecting rights and dignity. In practice it is, of course, widely ignored, but its power is shown in that even those who violate try to pretend that they are really respecting it.

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Unblemished Red Heifers Key To Understanding Mideast Conflict

(ANALYSIS) A conspiracy theory held widely in the Middle East is that Israel is planning to destroy the site of Al-Aqsa complex in Jerusalem, which includes the Muslim holy sites of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Some add this is part of a project to clear the buildings from the Temple Mount in order to build the Third Temple. A key part of this scheme is believed to be efforts to breed a flawless red heifer.

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The ‘Cave Church’ A Sign Of Hope In The Middle East

(ESSAY) Amid the pain and suffering in the Middle East, it is good to be reminded that beautiful things also happen there. One such remembrance came on Oct. 11 with the funeral of Father Simaan Ibrahim in Muqattam, in the southeast of Cairo. It was a funeral, with much lament, but was also a joyous occasion that drew 30,000 people to worship in the of the monastery of St. Simaan the Tanner Church, which he founded and led for 50 years.

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Wisconsin Court Shouldn’t Confine Religion Within Church Walls

(OPINION) Later this year, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will take up the issue of whether a Catholic charity is “religious” enough to qualify for the legal benefits that apply to religious organizations. The major question that the justices will consider is whether the organizations are more “charitable” than “religious.”

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IRFBA’s Bold Statement Addresses Rising Christian Persecution Worldwide

(ANALYSIS) The International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA) earlier this month released a significant statement on the current worldwide persecution of Christians. It’s essence: Religious freedom is still comparatively neglected as a human right, and the ongoing persecution of Christians is relatively unknown.

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Celebrating World Press Freedom Day And Religious Freedom

(ANALYSIS) It is vital to recognize the broad scope of religion itself and hence of religious freedom. Religion is not a separate, isolated segment of human existence. It is not merely what people do with their solitude. It is not only acts of worship on a Sunday, Sabbath or Friday. It is not simply adherence to creeds or doctrines. Religion is one of the fundamental shapers of human life.

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Religious Lessons And Symbolism From A King’s Coronation

(ANALYSIS) Above all else, the coronation of this King is a worship service, held in Westminster Abbey and presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is an explicitly Christian worship service, though it will have participants from many religions. Rishi Sunak, the U.K. prime minister and a serious Hindu, will read from the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Colossians

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Salman Rushdie And The Wider Effects Of Blasphemy Accusations

(OPINION) The Aug. 12 stabbing of author Salman Rushdie was a vivid reminder that threats that we had thought were fading are still with us and are even growing. But we often misunderstand those threats, and this distorts our understanding of the dangers of blasphemy accusations.

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How David Brooks, Peter Wehner And Others Fail To Address Evangelical Divisions

(OPINION) Some recent careful articles have tried to analyze and illuminate the divisions of American evangelicals, but they are often one-sided, which means that they may simply exacerbate the very tensions they lament.

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Pew Survey On Blasphemy Laws Must Be Supplemented With Grounded Realities

(OPINION) A recent Pew survey found that 40% of countries and territories worldwide had blasphemy laws in 2019. But a few caveats bring a greater understanding of how blasphemy laws and hate speech laws are impacting believers and nonbelievers today.

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