Posts in Opinion
Biden's American Families Plan Prioritizes Elites, May Not Support Faith-Based Child Care

(OPINION) The American Families Plan is biased towards child care and pre-K education outside the home, which isn’t the preference of many families, especially low-income, minority and religious families. In short, the plan prioritizes the desires of two-parent, higher educated and financially well-off families with two full-time working adults who are the most likely to prefer institutional child care that is not faith-based.

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Two religion stories that deserve more attention: China and India

(OPINION) A piece about China’s communist government’s fear of Christianity sparks the question– why don’t news outlets cover the government’s fear and distaste of other religions, such as Buddhism and Islam, as well?

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How Churches Can Fight Conspiracy Theories

(OPINION) The data tells us that evangelicals believing conspiracy theories spread by QAnon is more pervasive than many of us realize. Jesus was clear — if we don’t deal swiftly with false teaching, it will quickly spread and devour us. Here are three practical steps to fighting conspiracy theories in churches.

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Fact check: Who is the pastor accused in Haiti’s presidential assassination?

This week’s Weekend Plug-in features a fact check on an important religion angle related to Haiti’s presidential assassination. Plus, catch up on all the week’s best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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An Iraq War Law Invites Presidential Overreach. Americans of Faith Are Rallying to Repeal It

(OPINION) Members of Congress have abdicated their war powers over the past 20 years, resulting in endless wars that have devastated millions of people’s lives. Now, lawmakers must rectify their mistakes – and those of their predecessors – by repealing the 2002 Iraq AUMF and reasserting their constitutional war powers.

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Life and death challenges have tested the faith of Phoenix Suns coach Monty Williams

(OPINION) Phoenix Suns coach Monty Williams says his Christian faith has brought hope and clarity to areas of his life that have proven difficult. He hopes to pass on lessons learned to his players.

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What Happens to Faith When Religious Leaders Die From COVID?

(OPINION) The continued death of pastors, imams, rabbis and other spiritual leaders across all religions from the Coronavirus has a devastating effect on the faith of those who took up to them.

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The World’s Largest Muslim Organization Just Honored Evangelicals

(OPINION) The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the world’s largest Muslim organization, recently welcomed the new leader of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The two groups aim to further Muslim-Christian relations and counter threats to religious freedom and secular extremism.

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Any kind of turnaround for 'Mainline' Protestantism would be big news, but is it true?

(OPINION) Recent polls show that mainline Protestantism is surpassing evangelicals in the United States. However, this piece explores the complexities of this data, and the ways in which important aspects are often overlooked.

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Canada church fires: Who's behind such acts of hatred?

(OPINION) There have been fires at 10 Canadian churches — mostly Catholic ones — and multiple acts of vandalism this summer. Why? That’s the question more mainstream journalists should be asking. So why not ask it?

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Lawsuits and scarce donors: Religious colleges could be facing tough years ahead

(OPINION) A narrowly-framed Supreme Court victory — the Fulton v. Philadelphia case — will allow Catholic Charities (at least for now) to preserve religious conscience and avoid placing foster children and children available for adoption with same-sex couples, despite the city's non-discrimination statute. However, this does not settle the many similar legal disputes the media will be covering the next few years.

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Pastors and plagiarism: Why an old story is making timely new headlines

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights recent news coverage of plagiarism in the world of faith. Plus, catch up on all the week’s top religion news and best reads.

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Legal but Unethical? This Catholic School Fired a Pregnant Teacher for Sex Outside Marriage

(OPINION) An unmarried Catholic school teacher was dismissed from her position because she became pregnant through engaging in premarital sex. While religious freedom should include the right to remove an employee violating the school’s faith standards, the school could have handled the case of an unwed mother choosing life over abortion much differently.

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What Does It Mean To Be Denied The Eucharist?

(ANALYSIS) The biannual U.S. Catholic bishops’ meeting received more than its usual attention this June due to one particular item on its agenda: a proposed document on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, a ritual also known as Holy Communion. What is the Eucharist, and what does it mean to be denied it?

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Nashville 2021 redux: For Southern Baptists, sermons are how they get their work done

(OPINION) Whenever the Southern Baptist Convention gathers in times of trials and turmoil, one thing is certain – someone will preach a sermon that makes a difference. That's how Southern Baptists do what they do. These sermons may not produce as many headlines as SBC elections or fiery debates about hot-button social issues, but the sermons matter.

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Communion wars: Why does Biden take the Eucharist and support abortion?

(OPINION) What’s important to remember is that as Catholics our faith is not a set of political positions that we hold on a variety of issues. Our faith is rooted in what Jesus said about God’s purpose and his will for every person. That has been transmitted to all of us in the gospels, through centuries of church tradition and Canon Law.

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