(ANALYSIS) Technology, AI and social media have been developed for the common good, to make our lives easier, one way or another. However, they can also be abused — and this is precisely what we have seen across contemporary cases of genocide.
Read More(OPINION) No generation in history has had so many distractions to deal with. No generation in history has had so many temptations. No generation in history has had so much entertainment and defilement available right at our fingertips (quite literally). That means that it is much harder to live consecrated, undistracted lives for the Lord — lives that are free from the contamination of sin and the saturation of the world.
Read MoreFaithTech is tapping into an underutilized population, people of faith who work in the tech industry, bringing those people together to brainstorm tech projects to help ministries and charities. One, for example, involved buying out website domains like “howtokillyourself.org” and redirecting them to support networks — and there are dozens more.
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