Posts in Opinion
Why Do U.S. Politicians Oftentimes Neglect to Mention Religious Genocide?

(OPINION) The issue of genocide outside of the U.S. borders has been persisting for years in countries like Cambodia, Bosnia and Rowanda. There is a blatant disregard in the U.S. to understand and get involved, leading to very little preventative action before the genocide begins.

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Remembering Persecuted Christians at Christmas

(OPINION) In some countries, the lack of religious freedom and the threat of Christian persecution casts a dark shadow across Christmas festivities and celebrations. It is not unusual for fanatical, iron-fisted governments to make the Advent season a time of intensified fear and real danger. Many Christians, despite their faith and devotion, have little opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

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Fights over First Amendment rights will likely top religion beat agenda in 2021

(OPINION) Ongoing fights about the First Amendment and religious liberty are likely to prove the most newsworthy, but two other themes deserve attention as well.

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A Skeptic’s Take on a Nun’s Vocation To Serve The Poor Regardless of Risks

(OPINION) Evaluating Catholic nuns and their projects to help the poor dampened the cynicism of a skeptic and lapsed Episcopalian who studies religion. Sister Rosemary is one such nun who has devoted her life to sheltering and empowering women and children who fled violence in Uganda.

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Stay home or go to church? Believers face tough choices this Christmas

(OPINION) Rather than preparing for a joyous Christmastide, believers are making tough decisions about how to celebrate during a season some call COVID-tide. No one knows what will happen, especially in Protestant flocks where holiday traditions are more flexible and evolve from year to year.

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In the year of the pandemic, counting down the top 10 religion stories of 2020

This week’s Weekend Plug-in counts down the top 10 religion stories of 2020, as determined by the Religion News Association. Also: our usual Friday roundup of the top reads in the world of faith.

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Warnock’s Israel Stance Remains an Issue for Jewish Voters in Georgia

(OPINION) Support for Israel is at the heart of lobbying for Jewish votes by the Democratic and Republican candidates as the Senate runoffs near. Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock has proved to be “disappointing” for some Jewish voters in Georgia on the account that he may believe that Israel is an “apartheid state” according to past actions.

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We should all cheer the religious freedom win in Muslim-FBI suit

(OPINION) The Supreme Court recently upheld the religious freedom of Muslim Americans in a case of three Muslim men who accused the FBI of forcing them to violate their religious beliefs to spy on fellow Muslims. Here’s why we should all cheer.

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A rare astronomical event is happening this Christmas. Is it the Star of Bethlehem?

(ANALYSIS) On Dec. 21, our solar system’s two largest planets Jupiter and Saturn will appear together in a rare astronomical event called a conjunction, not seen since 1226. The extra bright light calls to mind the Bible story of when King Herod’s magi followed a star to find Jesus Christ as a child and worship him as God’s son.

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Trump calls COVID-19 vaccine 'a medical miracle,' but many religious people are skeptical

President Donald Trump calls the first COVID-19 vaccine approved by the federal government a “medical miracle.” So why are many religious people so skeptical? That’s a key question in this week’s Weekend Plug-in.

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Why ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Remains Beloved By Both Christians And Nonbelievers

(OPINION) Something truly magical happens by the end when Charlie Brown asks what the true meaning of Christmas is. Instead of more commercialism, Linus sets his friend — and everyone else — straight and delivers a truly important message.

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An Advent Vision To Inspire Equity and Strengthen Black Communities

(OPINION) The COVID-19 pandemic and political turmoil have left Black communities and faith-based groups struggling and in need of a large-scale response that can stabilize and strengthen their vital role in American society.

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India's 'Love Jihad' Interfaith Marriage Story May Be Political Spin, But Its Effects Are Real

(OPINION) India’s new contemporary TV drama, “A Suitable Boy,” tells the story of a Muslim man falling in love with a Hindu woman. This love story falls under the conspiracy of “love jihad” that assumes that Muslim men fall for non-Muslim women for the sole purpose of converting them.

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