Posts in Culture
How Are Houses of Worship Like Retail Stores? Changing Channels Of Distribution

(OPINION) Houses of worship are in decline. One reason is Americans’ waning interest in religious institutions. Another may be the change in consumer behavior away from the “average” and toward the large, the online and the small but specialized. Houses of worship can develop hope by learning from the experiences of the retail, financial-services and health care industries.

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Weaponization of Hindu Festivals: A Catalyst For Anti-Muslim Violence In India

The celebration of a Hindu festival, Ram Navami, which marks the birth of Lord Ram, was tarnished by violence in late March across 10 Indian states, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Delhi and West Bengal. It’s this kind of religious violence and intolerance that belied the surface of diplomatic talks between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his state visit to Washington.

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Sir James MacMillan’s Masterpiece ‘Fiat Lux’ Finally Takes The Stage In California

If you live in or near Orange County, California — or can be there June 15, 16, 17 or 20 — you might want to attend one of the premiere performances of “Fiat Lux” (Latin for “Let there be light”)  by Sir James MacMillan, a work for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, organ and orchestra based on a five-part libretto by poet Dana Gioia.

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‘Save Me’ Documentary: Jelly Roll’s Raw And Honest Path To Redemption

(REVIEW) Jelly Roll, a musician with an unusual name, featured in the documentary “Save Me” shows a redemption journey still in progress. The gritty country singer rose to fame with his breakout song “Save Me.” The documentary gives fans a look into a troubled person that has chosen to walk a path of grace through music. 

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Hulu Series Shows The Gravity Of Hillsong’s High And Low Notes

(REVIEW) “The Secrets of Hillsong” uncovers Hillsong culture, abuse and Carl Lentz. The four-part documentary dropped on May 19th. Since Carl Lentz’s fall from grace due to his affair with Ranin Karim, many celebrity gossip and media voices have chimed in to tell Lentz’s story. For the first time since the scandals, both Carl and Laura Lentz tell their own stories in the documentary. 

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The Unique Celebration Of Nyepi In Bali: Total Silence And Rituals For Balance

(PHOTO STORY) On Nyepi, which is the most special day of the year in the Balinese Saka Calendar, the island of Bali turns off all lights and sounds, stops all traffic, renounces all worldly activities, and meditates while silence and serenity reign over the entire island.

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Should Israel Outlaw The Antiquities Trade?

JERUSALEM — Israel’s central — and arguably shameful — role in the global antiquities business was the subject of a Zoom lecture on May 2 sponsored by the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem and the Palestine Exploration Fund headquartered in London.

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Kashmiri Muslims Slam Social Media Influencers For Violating Faith And Sentiments

Canon India uploaded a picture from Kashmir on its social media handles last year. As soon as it reached the audience in Muslim-dominant region, a wave of anger and outrage swept across people after they saw a couple posing for a memorable picture in the backdrop of Hazratbal shrine, which is believed to be the most revered religious place in Kashmir.

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War At Home: Former Army Officer Aids Texas Massacre Victims, Seeks God’s Healing

Steven Spainhouer arrived before most first responders to the scene of the nation’s latest mass shooting. The massacre lasted less than four minutes but left eight dead, including three children, and seven wounded.

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Changing The World Through Love — A Better Alternative To Diversity, Equity And Inclusion

(OPINION) Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are good things. But DEI is like trying to change the world through law. There’s a better way: love. I think love is UEE: unity, equality and exclusions.

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What One Man Learned About Religion Visiting Every Country in the World

From Addis Ababa to Tehran, Daniel Herszberg visited synagogues, schools, cemeteries and Sabbath services in hospitable homes. In Suriname and Poland, in Pakistan and Sudan, Barbados and Brazil, Herszberg not only discovered cherished archives and legacies but connected with locals who shared their stories — both lived and long forgotten. In some instances, he was the first person to have visited Jewish heritage sites in decades.

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Prayer And Protest: Nation’s Latest Mass Shooting Highlights Competing Messages

Clashing messages about God and guns came a day after an assailant opened fire at a Dallas-area outlet mall, killing eight people — including three children — and wounding seven.

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Religious Lessons And Symbolism From A King’s Coronation

(ANALYSIS) Above all else, the coronation of this King is a worship service, held in Westminster Abbey and presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury. It is an explicitly Christian worship service, though it will have participants from many religions. Rishi Sunak, the U.K. prime minister and a serious Hindu, will read from the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Colossians

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With World Championship In Astana, Islam’s Relationship With Chess Comes Into Focus

Since the end of the Cold War, four Muslim-majority countries — Kazakhstan, Libya, Iran and Indonesia — have hosted the FIDE World Chess Championship. Despite the fact that hundreds of Muslim players have been ranked by FIDE over the years, the game remains controversial with many mainstream Sunni and Shia scholars disapproving of chess.

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New Orleans Museum Of Art A Hub For Christian Art

It turns out New Orleans is more than Bourbon Street, burlesque and beads. The New Orleans Museum of Art, located five miles from the city’s downtown, isn’t afraid to pay homage to the state’s French colonial roots that have connections to Catholicism.

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Cambodian New Year: Temples, Buddha Statues And … Water Fights?

In Cambodia, the three days of celebration are centered on religious observances. The vast majority of Cambodians are Theravada Buddhists, and during this time they visit temples to complete various rituals. These include merit-making activities, such as praying and offering food to monks in exchange for a blessing. They also build sand hills on the temple grounds. These symbolize the heavenly “stupa” where relics of the Buddha’s earthly remains are believed to be kept.

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Netflix Show ‘In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal’ Exposes Cults Thriving In South Korea

(REVIEW) The eight-episode series “In The Name of God: A Holy Betrayal” covered Jesus Morning Star, Five Oceans, The Baby Garden, and the God of Manmim cults. Comedian Esther Ku spoke with about how the series unearthed an ecosystem of cults in Korea.

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‘He Gets Us’ — But Do We ‘Get’ Those Ads?

(OPINION) The least remarkable thing about the “He Gets Us” campaign — at least the most tiresome thing — is the knee-jerk reactions from both extremes of the  political-religious divide. Both sides have found much to hate.

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Lessons From The Old Jesus Revolution For The New Jesus Revolution

(OPINION) We cannot afford to repeat the errors of the Jesus revolution of the 1960s in the days ahead, as thousands (millions?) of young people (and others) from many different backgrounds begin to pour into our churches, looking for God, looking for hope, looking for meaning, looking for truth.

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