Posts in Culture
Former BBC journalist writes about liberal bias in 'The Noble Liar'

(OPINION) Broadcaster Robin Aitken says the BBC is so biased, it’s already helped destroy the religious and moral foundations of British culture. Can he be serious?

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Holi Festival Shows Cannabis' High Place in Hinduism

Cannabis has a long regard in Hinduism going back thousands of years, unlike the Western vices of alcohol and tobacco. No other day is this more apparent than during the ancient Hindu festival Holi.

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Pilgrimage: Inside New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral

New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral is considered one of the most visible symbols of Roman Catholicism in the United States. It takes up an entire block in the center of the city and at the heart of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

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How 'American Gods' On Starz Excludes American Gods

The new imaginative TV show American Gods takes us on a cross-country road trip to encounter the Gods of America. However, the show barely mentions Jesus or other manifestations of the Christian faith. The show’s season two premier airs on Sunday, March 10th.

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'A Good Wife' is Samra Zafar's story of leaving an abusive marriage without leaving Islam

Zafar agreed to an arranged marriage at age 17, believing the man and his family that the move from Pakistan to Canada would give her more educational opportunities. She didn’t expect to become a prisoner in her own home.

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PBS’ 'Sacred' documentary gives intimate glimpses of faith around the world

(COMMENTARY) A new documentary film recently aired on PBS beautifully shows faith as something lived-- not just a set of beliefs, traditions or doctrines on paper.

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Pilgrimage: A journey to Lithuania’s enigmatic Hill of Crosses

As you walk a long, bricked and gravel pathway to the hill, you start to notice odd and sundry versions of the cross and crucifix emerging from the strange mound. High crosses. Low crosses. Gold crosses. Black crosses. Silver crosses. Some forged from metal. Others carved from wood.

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New Frederick Douglass biography makes the abolitionist a prime Black History Month feature

(COMMENTARY) A new biography on the famous African-American abolitionist explores his public and private life, including his Protestant (and anti-Catholic) faith.

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An Apostate Iranian’s path to God

A review of the book From Fire, By Water, which recounts Sohrab Ahmari’s spiritual journey from revolutionary Iran to membership in the Communist Party before he finds a spiritual home in the Roman Catholic church.

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Conservative columnist David French defends religious liberty while opposing Trump

It may be the one issue in America capable of uniting Mormons, Native Americans, Roman Catholics and Evangelical Christians. The issue of religious liberty has, in recent years, increasingly galvanized people of many faith traditions in the United States to unite against secular forces. One of its most-vocal backers and eloquent advocates is opinion journalist David French.

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R Kelly’s path from Baptist choir boy to RnB legend to alleged child sex abuser

(ANALYSIS) A new documentary, Surviving R Kelly, focuses on allegations of Kelly’s sexual misconduct without exploring his departure from a religious upbringing.

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The Religion of Marie Kondo and her KonMari Method of Tidying

The popular Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has many influences from Shintoism, the native religion of Japan.

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A Journey to Eradicate Menstrual Exile

In western parts of Nepal, menstruating girls and women are sent to cow sheds or huts despite a law banning the practice. The Nepalis in Myanmar also treat the practice as an integral part of their culture. Nandar Gyawalli is calling for the abolition of this tradition which recently claimed the lives of a mother and two sons in Nepal.

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What explains the durable popularity of Handel’s 'Messiah' (especially at Christmas)?

(COMMENTARY) Handel’s “Messiah” — the Easter cantata that is so frequently heard at Christmastime — is probably the most-performed and most-beloved piece of great music ever written.

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No Nobel Prize in Literature in 2018 – Swedish Academy in Crisis after #metoo

The Swedish Academy is a famous institution, awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature since 1901. This year, there will be no winner awarded. On December 10, traditionally the day of the Prize Award Ceremony and banquet, for the first time in 70 years, one chair will be empty.

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Buckley's Catholic faith and conservative political legacy

William Buckley’s ability to articulate a strong national defense, need for small government and a devotion to God and traditional values became the bedrock of the modern American conservative movement. It was Buckley’s Catholic faith that proved central to his life and ideology. He was a man who not only lived his devotion daily, but one that helped to inspire future generations of politicians, thinkers and broadcasters.

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New Documentary Honoring Charleston Church Shooting Tells Story of Forgiveness

Deeply stirring documentary “Emanuel” about the 2015 Charleston Church shooting, directed by Brian Ivie, unearths a hidden parallel tale of living amidst hate. The film, which premiered on November 14 at the New York Documentary Festival, shows how one community chose to respond to tragedy with forgiveness.

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