The Media Project staff, board and members worldwide submitted nominations for the best efforts in religion journalism that we admired most in 2019.
Read MoreAccording to the Pew Research Center, Muslim immigration is likely to give Sweden the highest percentage of Muslims in Western Europe by 2050
Read MoreLSPT is a small but effective charity based at a private, Muslim academy in the town of Jombang, Indonesia. LSPT serves some 1,000 of its neighbors each month with its mission of meetings needs in the local community first.
Read MoreThe shocking ruling against Ahok reveals the tension between Indonesia's policy of unity in diversity and blasphemy laws still in force. Indonesia may be in danger of losing the qualities that distinguish it from the rest of the Islamic world as a model of democracy and pluralism.
Read MoreINDIA -- Swinging wildly from chemical dependency to religious fervor is a dilemma for counselors who aim to prevent risks of substituting addiction to chemicals with a dependence on religion.
Read MoreNeha Dixit exposed Hindu nationalist groups' trafficking of tribal children. But mainstream media didn't support her when she got pushback for reporting the story.
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