For the popular CBS drama “Blue Bloods,” the “End of Tour” — as the final episode is dubbed — brings an emotional farewell. People of faith who love the show lament its conclusion.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in covers the key faith angles after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s murder conviction in the death of George Floyd. Plus, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read MoreAs Americans celebrate the Fourth of July, Weekend Plug-in marks its six-month anniversary and offers its usual lineup of insight, analysis and top headlines from the world of religion news.
Read More(OPINION) As the national debate surrounding law-enforcement practices and the Black Lives Matter movement continues, journalists need to go beyond covering the obvious.
Read More(OPINION) Black church leaders have been and will be on the scene during peaceful protests. When it's time to heal and clean up, religious leaders of all races and beliefs will take part. But will they be able to speak together?
Read More(OPINION) Journalists needed to give readers both sides of a debate so that they had some chance to fully understood and assess what is happening. Otherwise, they’re only telling half the story. Right?
Read MoreWeekend Plug-in looks at the faith of George Floyd, houses of worship reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic and other top headlines from the religious world.
Read MoreAt least 100 university students were injured by police during a protest against the newly passed Citizenship Amendment Bill, which allows Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians but not Muslims who’ve migrated to India to apply for citizenship.
Read MoreA progressive Jewish activist group is working to end programs that send U.S. police to Israel for training, citing concerns about racial profiling and invasive surveillance techniques. The Anti-Defamation League, one of the most prominent Jewish groups fighting discrimination in the U.S, funds these programs.
Read MoreRisco Mention-Lewis is leading a community policing initiative in New York’s Suffolk County that heals trauma and invests in people. Her approach reflects her divine inspiration.
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