Pastor Carl Lentz Announces Podcast, Ends Speculation About What’s Next


Carl Lentz posted a video on Instagram, announcing he’s launching a new podcast, ending two days of speculation that he may be returning to ministry.

The “new show,” called “Lights On with Carl Lentz,” premieres June 4. But the video claims it’s not a comeback.

“I’M NOT BACK,” one frame states. The next frame adds, “THAT GUY IS GONE.”   

About the podcast, Lentz writes in the post: “My choices, and the road toward recovery taught me how helpful it is to have people share vulnerably the impact of their bad choices, the pain they caused, and the pain they suffered that led them to make those choices, and what they’ve discovered can be helpful and healing. My hope is that in sharing those things from my story and asking others to share theirs, it will be helpful, hopeful and healing.”

Lentz published a cryptic video with scenes of New York City and  Carl and his wife, Laura. It ended with a black screen with the date, 06.04.

Many commented on Lentz’s account that they hoped Lentz was returning to ministry. “Praying for it now and for God to use your marriage, ministry, story, and gifts powerfully.”

One person wrote, “Transformation Church NYC.”

Lentz currently is serving on staff at Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma — a megachurch led by controversial pastor Michael Todd.

A spokesperson for the Lentz family spoke with The Roys Report (TRR) and confirmed that Lentz is not planning to plant a church.

They said Lentz has “no desire to do a church” and that Lentz doesn’t “even think that’s appropriate.”

In 2020, Lentz was fired from Hillsong Church New York City for “moral failures.”

It later came out that he had a five-month-long affair with New York City designer Ranin Karim. Lentz also has been accused of sexual abuse with Leona Kimes, his former nanny who served with her husband, Josh Kimes, as pastors of Hillsong Boston.

Lentz also has been accused of misusing church money for to fund his lavish lifestyle and of fostering a toxic work culture.

Most all the comments on Lentz’s post announcing the podcast were positive.

“CAN NOT WAIT! With y’all!” said William Heckenbach, a pastor at Transformation Church.

“Praise Jesus for His healing power, a steadfast wife and your courage to share the journey,” someone wrote.

“One step closer back to preaching the gospel. We love you Pastor Carl Lentz!” wrote another.

And someone else said, “Walk in the confidence of the restoration of the LORD. You are His.”

Yet there were detractors, as well.

“Will you be profiting off of your mistakes?” one person asked.

And another wrote, “This dude is so good at marketing himself and making money. Literally taking notes.”

According to the Lentz family spokesperson, Lentz has a consulting business for churches and pastors in addition to his job helping with strategy at Transformation Church.

Carl Lentz’s wife, Laura, who will appear on the podcast, has a consulting business, as well. She also runs an interior design company.

This piece is republished from The Roys Report.

Julie Roys is the founder and editor of The Roys Report.