Pre-Born! Ministry Grows, Finds Success In Mission To ‘Save Babies And Souls’
A couple show an ultrasound photo of their unborn baby. Unsplash photo by Tai's Captures.
Until recently, Pre-Born! has flown under the radar and operated in the background of the pro-life movement by supporting pregnancy help centers as a grant writer and support system.
But in the last couple years, it has seen exponential growth by engaging in partnerships with Christian and conservative radio programs.
While it has a solid group of major donors, moving into the conservative media space has definitely contributed to the group’s financial growth, Grant Geddie, senior director of ministry development, told MinistryWatch.
In 2018, Pre-Born’s annual revenue was $6.8 million. According to Geddie, it is on track to see $21 million in revenue this fiscal year.
Pre-Born has partnered with well-known talk show hosts Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and Dan Bongino. While not all the hosts are evangelical Christians, Geddie said the organizations has found a synergy with them because many of their listeners are pro-life Christians.
Beck often reaches out to highlight the work of Pre-Born, Geddie said, and has even visited one of the ministry’s partner clinics. On Mother’s Day weekend, Beck featured a story from a woman who had chosen not to end her pregnancy after seeing her twin daughters on an ultrasound at a Pre-Born clinic.
Since its founding in 2006, Pre-Born has been committed to evangelizing women in need with the gospel. Its mission is “to glorify Jesus Christ by leading and equipping pregnancy clinics to save more babies and souls.”
Its founder, Dan Steiner, is upfront with conservative radio hosts about the mission and desire to save babies’ lives but also to save souls.
Geddie believes Pre-Born’s focus on evangelism sets it apart from other pro-life ministries.
The staff of its partner clinics are trained in evangelism through materials Steiner developed called “the Invitation.” According to its website, “Pre-Born! Pregnancy Clinics lead the nation in the percentage of patients who come to know Jesus Christ as Saviour.”
It also has focused the majority of its resources in “abortion sanctuary cities and states.”
Steiner was the director of a successful pregnancy help center in Indiana when he decided to start a ministry in a city where abortion was more prevalent.
Steiner took his knowledge from directing a center and established a new one in Los Angeles. He then began partnering with clinics in other cities with high abortion rates, like Miami, Chicago, New York, Houston and Dallas.
After laying the ground work, in 2012 the ministry began to formalize its structure and optimize and build relationships, Geddie said.
Since 2017, it has been scaling the process and gaining national recognition with hundreds of new partners.
Over the course of its history, Pre-Born claims to have been part of saving over 196,000 lives. So far in 2022, it said 37,303 women have chosen to continue their pregnancies and 6,882 women have accepted the gospel for their soul’s salvation.
Pre-Born also focuses on unity within the pro-life community. Geddie noted there can often be a feeling of competition for funding and volunteers because pregnancy help centers want to survive to help more women.
In an effort to remove some of those obstacles, Pre-Born provides grants to pregnancy centers to help meet their needs and be a support. It currently has about 184 partner clinics in 39 states and three countries.
Two of the key ways it invests in clinics is through ultrasounds and digital marketing.
From its founding, Pre-Born has been providing ultrasound programming, including purchasing machines and funding ultrasound staff.
Ultrasound support still comprises about 60% of the group’s budget, Geddie said.
Pre-Born has demonstrated that after abortion-minded women see an ultrasound, the chances of them choosing to continue their pregnancy increases from 40% to 80%.
From early in its ministry, Pre-Born implemented a “sponsor-a-baby” program through which supporters can contribute $28 a month toward providing ultrasounds to save the lives of unborn children.
In return, they “receive an ultrasound picture and story of a mom and baby” to show their gift’s impact.
For the last three or four years, Geddie said, Pre-Born has focused its attention on developing a robust, effective digital marketing campaign to connect with abortion-minded women online and help them find a pregnancy help clinic.
“The abortion landscape is moving digital, so Pre-Born is going there to match the abortion industry,” Geddie said. “We are the largest competitor to Planned Parenthood in digital marketing.”
While Pre-Born is growing and working to save women and their babies from abortion, the backbone of the ministry is prayer, Geddie said. Employees gather regularly for prayer and have full-time employees dedicated to praying for the ministry, moms, babies, clinics and staff.
“The gospel and prayer drive our organization,” he said.
This piece is republished from MinistryWatch with permission.
Kim Roberts is a freelance writer who holds a Juris Doctor from Baylor University. She has homeschooled her three children and is happily married to her husband of 25 years. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, gardening, and coaching high school extemporaneous speaking and debate.