‘Bible In A Year’ Among Apple’s Top Podcasts, Spanish Version Due Out Next Year
NEW YORK — Mike Schmitz has become an unlikely podcast star.
He isn’t a political commentator arguing with his guests or a reality TV star trying to sell you a product. Rather, Schmitz is a Catholic priest who hosts the chart-topping “Bible in a Year” daily podcast, which has become a huge hit since debuting on New Year’s Day.
Mike Schmitz, a Catholic priest, hosts one of the most popular podcasts on Apple iTunes. Photo via YouTube.
“I think one of the things this podcast offers is it’s easy — meaning you just press play,” Schmitz said.
And many people have been doing just that. In January, the podcast debuted in the No. 1 spot on Apple iTunes among all categories, and over the past 10 months, it has become the greatest Catholic podcast in history.
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As some Catholics continue to attend Mass remotely because of the ongoing pandemic, the popularity of “Bible in a Year” has made it a digital Bible study class for many. The first episode, for example, was downloaded a million times, and the podcast now averages 464,000 downloads a day.
Not since Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a radio and television star during the 1950s, has a member of the Catholic clergy gained so much mainstream popularity. The podcast features Schmitz reading through Ascension’s entire Great Adventure Catholic Bible in 365 episodes as well as providing commentary and prayer. The show averages about 23 minutes in length and allows for believers to consume the Bible each day in a digestible way.
The 46-year-old Schmitz — who was well-known previously for his YouTube videos on “Ascension Presents” and also serves as the chaplain at the University of Minnesota Duluth — said he’s received “super positive feedback” from Catholic listeners as well as members of other Christian denominations.
Asked why some Protestants are also listening, Schmitz said of the podcast, “Here’s the Scripture, here’s a commentary on it or interpretation of it. As long as I’m staying consistent with Scripture, it’s not contrary to what the Bible might be saying. You know, people are open to that.”
As a result, Ascension, which publishes Catholic books and faith formation guides, announced on Wednesday during a news conference via Zoom that it will launch ”La Biblia en un año”, a Spanish-language version of the podcast, starting on Jan. 1, 2022.
At the same time, Schmitz’s podcast, which already has a Facebook group, will expand. Schmitz plans to hold a two-day virtual retreat starting on Feb. 18, 2022. In addition, Ascension will unveil a billboard in Times Square promoting the podcast during the coming Christmas season, starting on Dec. 19. Beyond that, the publisher is looking to create a “Catechism in a Year” podcast.
The “Bible in a Year” podcast is based on Jeff Cavins’ Bible Timeline Learning System. Cavins is a biblical scholar and former Protestant pastor who converted back to Catholicism.
Why has the podcast been so successful? Cavins said he thinks it’s because hearing Bible stories gives people a different way to live out their faith.
“There is a difference between reading the Bible and hearing the Bible,” he said. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God and Scripture. I think for me to hear the Word of God, not reading it but hearing it, I heard it differently. I heard it as a personal message to me a little bit more.”
Schmitz agreed, adding that the show has allowed him to become a better priest and preacher.
“Human beings love stories,” he said. “To be able to keep filling my mind, my heart and imagination with the Word has been massively important.”
Clemente Lisi is a senior editor and regular contributor to Religion Unplugged. He is the former deputy head of news at the New York Daily News and teaches journalism at The King’s College in New York City. Follow him on Twitter @ClementeLisi.