Religion Unplugged

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If Ancient Olympic Gods Lived In America Today

(OPINION) Many aspects of modern life that appear to be new would fit nicely into the Olympian gods’ classical functions. If Christianity had never caught on in the West, these ancient Greek gods may have become symbols and pillars of modern movements like feminism, environmentalism and labor unions. Others would function as the same: the god of war or the goddess of family life.

Read the selection of gods and their functions adapted for modern life and see if you agree:

Illustrations by Keanna Irving.

David Green Ahmanson is currently on leave from his MFA program in Film and Television Production at USC. He has Bachelor of Arts in English with Minors in Theatre and German from Hillsdale College, and has been fascinated by history, mythology, and narrative since early childhood. Follow him on Twitter @DavidAhmanson.