Posts tagged Donald Trump
Infrequent Church Attenders Were Trump's Base, Right?

(ANALYSIS) I can’t point to one specific instance of this, but it’s something I see in the online discourse: “It’s the folks who don’t go to church who put Trump in the White House.” “It’s the most religiously devout Republicans who are the ones driving the MAGA train” Which one is right? Both are. Which one is wrong? Both are.

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A Redemptive Perspective on the Current Leadership Crisis in America

(OPINION) The current state of the world creates a real feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, as if everything is old and crumbling, as if nothing is stable or trustworthy, as if no one is clean. This is where we step in, not to preach religion but to preach Jesus, not to sell a product or a personality but to point people to the only One who can truly save and deliver and forgive and transform.

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Repeat After Me: White Catholics Voting In 2004, White Catholics Voting In 2024

(OPINION) It’s time to focus on the U.S. Catholic vote in 2024, following up a prior Memo assessing religion angles with Donald Trump’s prospects. The Guy once again advises journalists and other observers that Catholics are more pivotal politically than unbudgeable Democrats such as Black Protestants, non-Orthodox Jews and nonreligious Americans.

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Did The Election of Donald Trump Drive People from the Pews?

(ANALYSIS) There is no doubt in my mind that politics is one of the main culprits for the emptying out of American religion. That was my starting point for this piece. What follows is a peek inside how I think through a problem like that.

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🐘 Faith And Freedom: For GOP Presidential Candidates, It's Cattle Call Time Again 🔌

This week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights first Republican presidential cattle call of the year in Iowa, where evangelicals are a crucial voting bloc. Plus, as always, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.

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Has Donald Trump Won Nomination Already? Careful. And Keep A Hawkeye On Iowa

(OPINION) In nationwide polls, Donald Trump has defied multiple legal snarls to pad his already healthy margin over potential challenger Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination. So far, those two swamp all other possible names, such as Nikki Haley. But might some or many evangelicals eventually turn against Trump?

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‘Vengeance Is Mine’ Says The Lord, Not Ours — Or Trump’s

(OPINION) “I am your retribution,” former President Donald Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But rather than try to destroy our enemies or bring retribution on them, our goal should be their conversion and transformation. That is the radical Jesus way.

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With Her Newsworthy ‘Firsts,’ Don’t Ignore Religion Angles In Nikki Haley vs. Donald Trump

(OPINION) The media shouldn’t ignore that Nikki Haley’s life story is more religiously intriguing than any of the 16 Republicans on CNN’s list of other potential challengers to Donald Trump. She’s been regularly subjected to questions about conversion from her parents’ Sikh religious faith to Christianity at age 24.

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Interview With Author Bradley Onishi On What Created The Religious Right

Religious studies scholar Bradley Onishi traces the modern history of Christian nationalism and how it relates to current events in his new book “Prepping for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism — and What Comes Next.” He starts with how a select group of Supreme Court cases led to the creation of the modern religious right and how they moved to support right-wing populist leaders. Onishi connects this history to the Donald Trump presidency and the attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021.

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Olasky Flashback: Back To The Evangelical Clashes Over Character And Two-Party Politics

(OPINION) The stakes are high since White evangelicals play a strategic role in GOP primaries and national elections. In 2016, the Pew Research Center found that 78% of White evangelicals planned to vote for Trump — but 30% said they backed Trump, himself. Trump’s evangelical numbers remained strong in 2020, after he filled several SCOTUS slots.

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California Megachurch Members Now Hold Majority On City Council

Members of Bethel — the 11,000-member northern California megachurch famous for elaborate healing services, Bethel Music and musician Sean Feucht’s nationwide worship protests against COVID restrictions — now hold the majority on the Redding City Council after November’s elections, according to nearly complete vote counts.

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Despite Perceived Polarization, Not Much Really Separates Us

(OPINION) Nobody is ever just one thing. Nobody is just a Trump supporter and that’s all. Nobody is just a wackadoodle leftie and that’s all. That Trumpian or that granola cruncher is also a parent, a sibling, a son or daughter, an employee, a co-worker, a little league coach, a ballroom dancer, a store manager, a deacon, a teacher, a caregiver to an elderly parent — and/or 20 other things.

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Mike Pence’s Memoir Doesn’t Shy Away From His Faith and Trump’s Election Insanity

(REVIEW) Tell-all books have become a staple of our political conversation. They give readers a chance to see what took place in private during some of history’s most trying times. That’s the case of former Vice President Mike Pence’s new memoir about his life and time in the White House with former President Donald Trump.

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Majority Of Catholics Say Biden Should Not Seek Second White House Bid, Poll Reveals

A majority of Catholic voters agree that President Joe Biden should not run for a second term in 2024, while Republicans are also favored by this voter bloc in the upcoming midterm elections, a new poll has found. At the same time, support for Biden among Hispanic Catholics continues to wane, a worrying trend for Democrats heading into next month’s midterms.

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The News Is Broken: Christians Know This, But Still Must Read Journalist Chris Stirewalt’s Book

(REVIEW) We are all consumers of news. Many have shunned the news altogether in recent years. Increasingly, Christians are those people — especially the mainstream media — because they don’t see in it the values that reflect their lives. If you’re one of those people, then a new book out now helps you understand why and how to fix it.

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Contrary To The Perception, Most Preachers Avoid Politics — Here’s Why

(OPINION) The preacher as political powerbroker is much more rare than many might think. In fact, one political scientist argues that most ministers from the right, left and center intentionally dodge political topics. That’s not because they fear the Internal Revenue Service but because they’re concerned about their careers and congregants.

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The Past Six Years Have Either Made You Crazy Or Devout — Or A Bit Of Both

(OPINION) The past half-dozen years have been nuts — and have driven a lot of otherwise normal, good-hearted folks nuts. But there will always be cycles of good times and crises, and faith can get us through the difficult periods.

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8 Christian Conservatives Who Promoted False Claims of Rigged, Stolen Election

(ANALYSIS) Without merit.” “Mere speculation and conjecture.” “Gossip and innuendo.” “Wholly unreliable.” “Implausible.” “Hazy and nebulous.” That’s how judges responded to 61 election lawsuits filed by Trump’s legal teams. Meanwhile, conservative Christian influencers used their media platforms outlets to promote these false claims about the election to believers. Here’s a look at eight of the most prominent promoters of the former president’s lies.

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Q&A With ‘The Flag And The Cross’ Author Samuel L. Perry On White Christian Nationalism

Two sociologists of religion, Philip S. Gorski and Samuel L. Perry, wrote an upcoming book titled “The Flag and The Cross,” which explores White Christian nationalism through the lens of history and recent survey data. Gorski and Perry attempt to explain its past while explaining its importance for understanding the future of American religion and politics.

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Eric Metaxas Says Vetting Guests Is Not His Job In Defamation Lawsuit Testimony

Metaxas and other conservative Christian media figures are being probed about their practices in a defamation lawsuit filed by Eric Coomer, an executive with Dominion Voting Systems. In a deposition for the case, Metaxas said he had done little to verify claims aired in the broadcast that Dominion had rigged elections in the U.S., Mongolia, and Venezuela.

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