(OPINION) Why is it that, generally speaking, Jews in different parts of the world tend to lean centrist or right — quite the opposite of things here in the U.S? There is an anomaly when it comes to Jewish voting, but Orthodox Jewish voters are looking more like White evangelicals.
Read More(OPINION) Religious minorities in Afghanistan — Sikhs, Hindus, Ahmadis and Christians — still need help to flee the Taliban. Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have intimated that they will allow these Afghans across their borders but only if their transit to other countries is confirmed, a step that the U.S. and U.K. must take quickly.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Journalists at local outlets and religious publications understand the need to cover such incidents. It’s only when there is a trend that national news organizations choose to ignore it.
Read More(OPINION) Those impossible-to-ignore and hard-to-define White evangelicals have, for decades, been the largest and most dynamic sector in U.S. religion. Are we finally witnessing an evangelical crack-up as so long anticipated — and desired — by critics?
Read More(REVIEW) A new Ken Burns documentary on PBS tells the story of the world’s greatest heavyweight boxing champion, Muhammad Ali, including his friendship with Malcolm X and faith journey to Nation of Islam and then Sunni Islam.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in highlights the growing focus on religious exemptions amid pressure to vaccinate more Americans to slow the spread of COVID-19. Plus, check out the week’s best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) There’s no need to pile even more scorn on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s “Tax the Rich” dress worn to a $35,000 per head gala. Instead, I want to focus here on the whole “tax the rich” idea. When have we heard this before?
Read More(REVIEW) “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” is an empathetic take on the rise and fall of the powerhouse televangelist couple Tammy Faye (Jessica Chastain) and Jim Bakker (Andrew Garfield). Unfortunately, those seeking answers to why powerful evangelicals fall will find none here.
Read More(REVIEW) A quick read at 148 pages, ‘Running For A Higher Purpose’ is the type of book perfect for a world that has been plunged into a pandemic since February 2020 and for those in need of both physical and spiritual assistance.
Read More(OPINION) Hundreds of people who wish to leave remained in Afghanistan and now fear for their lives. Among them are generations of human rights defenders including judges, lawyers, journalists and human rights activists — those who spent years working to make Afghanistan a country that affirms and protects the human rights of all.
Read More(OPINION) The pandemic has left us with questions about the relationship between churches and Big Tech: Could traditional faiths hold rites in virtual reality spaces, along with augmented reality Sunday school classes? Could ancient Jewish prayers chanted by mourners be replaced with waves of comments and clicks?
Read More(OPINION) Today, innumerable dangers are posed by the radical Islamist beliefs of the Taliban. And yet, in more than a few reports and discussions, terrorism is noted while the profoundly religious nature of the new Afghan government remains unaddressed.
Read More(OPINION) We went into Afghanistan 20 years ago to punish the Taliban, and now, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars later, the Taliban run the country. This is as stinging as it is humiliating. And yet it reminds us of a sobering reality: Until Jesus returns, there will always be evil on the planet.
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in summary reflects on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Plus, catch up on all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith.
Read More(OPINION) The press gets very, very, very excited when it comes to the election of a new pope. It is, after all, a global news event and a type of power struggle the press thinks that it can cover like it does a political election. That’s something the press understands better than complicated things such as doctrine, tradition and history.
Read More(OPINION) Reporting on the Taliban’s rise must understand the rigid form of Islam that dominates Afghan culture. In rural villages across the countryside, where most live, mullahs with rudimentary schooling are part of the influential elite establishment.
Read More(OPINION) “Why are our efforts being blocked?” The question is being raised everywhere — in daily emails, WhatsApp messages or texts from people on the ground in Afghanistan. Why are these Afghan refugees becoming “refuseniks,” those refused permission to leave?
Read MoreThis week’s Weekend Plug-in covers a big, big week in religion news, from the chaotic end of the war in Afghanistan to a momentous development in the nation’s battle over abortion. Plus, as always, catch up all the best reads and top headlines in the world of faith, including disaster relief efforts gearing up after Hurricane Ida.
Read More(OPINION) The Reformed Church in America, one of those small denominations that usually get little ink despite rich history and accomplishments, is set to celebrate its 400th anniversary in 2028. But what will the RCA consist of by then?
Read More(ANALYSIS) When exploring data on vaccine hesitancy, it is hard to peg down the religion factor in the drama. At some point, secular and religious leaders who sincerely want to change minds on the vaccine issue will need to "stop calling people ugly names" and try listening to some of their fears and concerns.
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