In the devastating Himalayan floods in India’s Himachal Pradesh, Sikh temples have emerged as bastions of support and assistance for those affected by the calamity. As nature unleashes its fury, gurdwaras — places of assembly and worship for Sikhs — across regions hit by flooding have opened their doors, hearts and kitchens to provide essential services.
Read MoreDhanak of Humanity was founded in 2004 by Asif Iqbal, who started it as a support group for interfaith couples in India, aimed at providing guidance and assistance to those facing challenges due to societal prejudices surrounding interreligious unions.
Read More(EXPLAINER) The Modi-led government is likely to bring a resolution for changing India’s official name during the special session of Parliament that’s scheduled for Sept. 18. Critics of the move have said the name change is in line with Modi’s Hindu nationalist messaging, while also stripping the country of names tied to colonialism.
Read MoreA recent rise in activism in Iran has added a new chapter to the country’s long-standing history of murals and other public art. But as the sentiments being expressed in those works have changed, the government’s view of them has shifted, too.
Read MoreWhile assuming someone’s religion is an extremely personal question and often quite jarring in public settings, it’s also a common practice in Pakistan, a Muslim majority nation where religious questions are raised around vegetarian lifestyles. In recent years, the flip side to this debate has also arisen, with an increasing number of Muslims questioning the need to sacrifice animals on holidays such as Eid al-Adha.
Read MoreThe growth of Christianity in China has stagnated over the past decade, while one-third of the country’s adult population identifies as Buddhist. A new Pew Research Center report found that only 10% of Chinese adults identified with any religious group — but the number rose significantly when survey questions focused on spirituality, customs and superstitions.
Read MoreMore than 150 individuals have lost their lives in confrontations between the Meitei and Kuki ethnic groups that have swept through Manipur, a northeastern state of India situated on the border with Myanmar. The unrest originated in Churachandpur, a town located just south of the state capital, Imphal, on May 3.
Read MoreThe Saudis have lots of money, easily outspending European clubs for players. Since the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund took control of four teams earlier this year, the deep-pocketed Saudis are recruiting players — and specifically Muslim talent — in their quest to change their global image. Human rights groups such as Amnesty International have called this process “sportswashing.”
Read MoreDespite Sikhism’s denouncement of dowry, the tradition of demanding monetary or material gifts from the spouse’s family persists. As more individuals from Punjab pursue opportunities abroad, “reverse dowry” has left families shattered, marriages in ruins and spouses abandoned.
Read More(VIDEO) Kuki-Zo leaders are demanding an investigation into their allegations that attacks on civilians and village volunteers — a term used for ordinary youth guarding their villages with guns against purported regular assaults by Meitei extremist groups — are being carried out by state forces in northeastern India.
Read More(ANALYSIS) Three influential cards have always played well in Pakistan’s political arena: Sunni Islam, the army and patriotism. Being a Sunni Muslim makes you powerful and provides a deep sense of being an extraordinary Pakistani.
Read More(REVIEW) “While We Watched” is a 94-minute tell-all documentary that shines a light on the sorry state of Indian media through the lens of a veteran independent journalist, Ravish Kumar, who now runs a YouTube channel with 6.73 million subscribers.
Read More(ANALYSIS) On July 11, the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise — the human rights watchdog reviewing complaints about possible human rights abuses by Canadian companies working outside Canada in the garment, mining, and oil and gas sectors — announced the launch of two separate investigations into allegations of Uyghur forced labor in the supply chains and operations of two Canadian companies.
Read More(VIDEO) A wave of violence started in Manipur state, situated in the northeastern part of India, on May 3, 2023, leading to the death of more than 140 people and the destruction of over 6,000 homes and 400 churches. The conflict has also resulted in a viral video of two women being stripped naked, paraded through a rural area and allegedly gang-raped.
Read MoreThis week on our Talking to Tech series, we interviewed ChatGPT on some of the Eastern religions. Like last time, the aim of the interview was to compare and contrast the core tenets and practices of each one. ChatGPT also shared a few of its “thoughts” on yoga and how it related to Hinduism.
Read MoreRecognizing the power of spiritual guidance, religious leaders in Kashmir are playing a pivotal role in the fight against drug addiction. They advocate for the establishment of local committees tasked with monitoring substance abuse in residential and business areas. They say that these committees comprised of community members can serve as guardians against the spread of addiction.
Read MoreThe celebration of a Hindu festival, Ram Navami, which marks the birth of Lord Ram, was tarnished by violence in late March across 10 Indian states, including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Delhi and West Bengal. It’s this kind of religious violence and intolerance that belied the surface of diplomatic talks between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his state visit to Washington.
Read MoreNikhil Mandalaparthy is the advocacy director with Hindus for Human Rights, a human rights nonprofit that advocates for pluralism and civil and human rights in South Asia and North America. He spoke with Jody Hassett Sanchez in Washington during Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s state visit.
Read More(TRAVEL) It's a city of contrasts, where vestiges from the colonial era are juxtaposed with cutting-edge technological advancements. Amid this dynamic backdrop, Bangalore’s churches stand out as remarkable symbols of the city’s diverse cultural and religious tapestry. Each church tells a distinct story of architectural splendor intertwined with a deep spiritual heritage.
Read More(PHOTO STORY) On Nyepi, which is the most special day of the year in the Balinese Saka Calendar, the island of Bali turns off all lights and sounds, stops all traffic, renounces all worldly activities, and meditates while silence and serenity reign over the entire island.
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