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New Allegations Against Ravi Zacharias Emerge

New allegations of sexual harassment against Ravi Zacharias have prompted Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) to open an investigation into the late founder’s behavior.

The allegations were first reported by Christianity Today (CT).  According to CT, Zacharias “sexually harassed multiple massage therapists who worked at two day spas he co-owned” in the Atlanta suburbs, near the RZIM headquarters.

Three women who worked at the businesses told Christianity Today that Ravi Zacharias “touched them inappropriately, exposed himself, and masturbated during regular treatments over a period of about five years. His business partner said he regrets not stopping Zacharias and sent an apology text to one of the victims this month.”

RZIM has repeatedly denied these and other earlier claims against Zacharias.  In a statement provided to MinistryWatch and other media outlets, RZIM said the allegations “do not in any way comport with the man we knew for decades.”  Nonetheless, RZIM has hired a law firm “with experience investigating such matters,” according to Christianity Today.

Ravi Zacharias was a well-known Christian apologist who died in May at age 74 from cancer.

This article was originally published at Ministry Watch.

Warren Cole Smith is the editor in chief of Ministry Watch and previously served as Vice President of WORLD News Group, publisher of WORLD Magazine and has more than 30 years of experience as a writer, editor, marketing professional, and entrepreneur. Before launching a career in Christian journalism 20 years ago, Smith spent more than seven years as the Marketing Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers.